Um, Zorro is badass yeah but still he plans on fighting Hodi underwater… is he really that confident of his abilities ?
And something else xD. For all those "nakama haters". I'm actually a "nakama" lover, because for me there is absolutely no word that can mean that one !.
I mean yeah the russians were our ally's duyring second world war... wanna compare that ally term with luffy's nakama ?
Comrades just makes me think of brothers in arms that dont really have anything in common but the fight they're in.
And i could go on forever, for me nakama represents a strong bond of friendship, loyalty, and love (yup i think luffy cares deeply for all his nakama). It's just so much more than any english word can provide.
Also the meaning of nakama is to belong to a group. A co-worker is a nakama, even if you don't know him , all japanese are nakama with themselves because they belong to the same nation. Si its a really wide-spread meaning, and can by NO MEANS be reduced to a single plain english word.
I'm sorry i had to put it out there, because for me each time i've read a scan having either ally or comrades in it i would literally choke to death (yup i have died many times)
With all my love :).