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  • RE: Chapter 1124: Close Friend

    The admirals having actual conversations is very nice and humanizing. But Vegapunk and him being so close feels a little out of the blue. I would've prefered it if he was talking about axe guy, since their relationship had some IRL years on it.

    posted in Manga
  • Chapter 1124: Close Friend posted in Manga
  • RE: The Brandon Sanderson (Cosmere) and other Fantasy novels thread

    Huh. Not sure they really make sense for where they're matched up.

    1. The Baratheons are most relevant during A Clash of Kings so you'd think the stag would go there.

    2. The lion's mouth would be most fitting in either A Game of Thrones or A Storm of Swords, both cases where the Lannisters are ascendant and a Stark walks into a lethal trap.

    3. No one important ventures north of the Wall in AGoT. It'd be more fitting to put that on ACoK or ASoS.

    4. A Feast for Crows is fine, but the crow breaks the emblem theme unless you're counting the Night's Watch, who don't feature in the book outside of Sam. I'd suggest a sun over a wasteland for the Dornish.

    5. A Dance with Dragons is the most acceptable but I'd still rather see it with the traveller sailing down a river (Tyrion) rather than venturing through empty woods (Bran, I suppose).

    posted in Media
  • RE: 1116: "'Let's Go and Get It!' Buggy's Grand Declaration"

    I'm usually pretty good at remembering the names of a lot of One Piece's more minor, bit characters but I don't think I'm going to be able to commit the Revolutionary commanders' subordinates' names to memory. Ieri's proved that they can handle a more limited bridge expositional episode like this one; it can be deceptively hard to pull them off.

    I bet part of the reason of having a Revolutionary Army-centered recap episode next is so that Toei can scrub as many of Furuya's old Sabo lines from the recording library as possible.

    posted in Anime