It's the beginning of the end…of interesting conversations.
Interesting conversations.
"Well this chapter sucks." "Well I liked this because this and this!" " No but you are wrong your point of view is wrong, your logical thinking is wrong, your theories all suck." every week or "well I like this chapter but I hated this, this, this, this and this was stupid!" = chapter sucked basicly.
So interesting conversations are just disagreeing with everyone constantly? even when people prove you wrong? you dont see anyone saying anything to Daz and other members that have disliked chapters recently or disliked things about chapters recently.
Nice to know its not a joke and I guess sorry for saying it was and causing confusion.
I must say that Robzilla seemed to have the most interaction with him that I saw of all the mods and had far more patience with him than I would have.
Yup every week I would look at it and be like, "how can he do it?" haha.