-Protests in California and people saying "Trump is not MY president". Setting things on fire and yelling "fuck Donald Trump"
Yeah, I understand…to a point.
After we're done throwing our little hissy-fit can we try and not act like the people we made fun of 4 and 8 years ago. Sure, you can say Trump doesn't represent "me" and my beliefs but, yeah, he kinda does and in a big way. He's our president. He's the guy in charge, the leader of affairs both foreign and domestic, and whether you like it or not our main representative. Whether you voted for him or not it's not going to change the reality of the situation. And after we're done blaming Bernie Sanders, 3rd parties, the media, racists, sexists, independents, moderates, and everyone but Hillary Clinton for her loss can we can just swallow the hard truth that we all just got Donald Trump as our president?!
Because that shit still hasn't fully sank in yet.
And I'm not saying some of the above people aren't to blame for Donald Trump winning the election (Hint: It ain't Bernie) but let's not get stupid.