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Random News Article Discussion
! Getting lots of forwarded emails, sms and updated from social networking sites on how media covered attack.
! Here is a sample:
! > If the person who killed 90+ people in Norway was a Muslim, the Press would have declared him as terrorist. For now though, he is just an 'Assailant ', 'Attacker' (Reuters), 'Gunman' (BBC, CNN & Al Jazeera). Looks like 'Terrorist' is a name reserved for Muslims? The US Dept of State calls it an 'Act of Violence', Not an 'Act of Terrorism'
! not saying/implying/supporting/agreeing/disagreeing to anything. Just copy pasting about stuff i have been flooded with recently.
! Though i did argue with some by copy pasting links were it was labeled as terror attack. But struggled to find word terrorist used widely, while on other hand i got bombarded with 50+ articles from mainstream media without it. So in end gave it up. -
I don't want this guy to be executed or the current laws to change because of him.
Solitary confinement for the rest of his life with nothing but his guilt to keep him company. No perks, no comfort, no friends…nothing!
! Getting lots of forwarded emails, sms and updated from social networking sites on how media covered attack.
! Here is a sample:
! not saying/implying/supporting/agreeing/disagreeing to anything. Just copy pasting about stuff i have been flooded with recently.
! Though i did argue with some by copy pasting links were it was labeled as terror attack. But struggled to find word terrorist used widely, while on other hand i got bombarded with 50+ articles from mainstream media without it. So in end gave it up.Tim McVeigh was labeled a domestic terrorist, but that was before 9-11 so I'm not sure.
! Getting lots of forwarded emails, sms and updated from social networking sites on how media covered attack.
! Here is a sample:
! not saying/implying/supporting/agreeing/disagreeing to anything. Just copy pasting about stuff i have been flooded with recently.
! Though i did argue with some by copy pasting links were it was labeled as terror attack. But struggled to find word terrorist used widely, while on other hand i got bombarded with 50+ articles from mainstream media without it. So in end gave it up.Better than that hack O'Reilly, who's making a big fuss shouting 'HEY DON'T CALL HIM A CHRISTIAN/RIGHT WING YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!'
What's really disturbing is that they actually care that much. -
Shit … Some reports that Johnny Adair was involved with Breivik. (If you don't know Adair was a Northern Irish terrorist) ... he used to live in my part of town.
Shit … Some reports that Johnny Adair was involved with Breivik. (If you don't know Adair was a Northern Irish terrorist) ... he used to live in my part of town.
That's that "Mad Dog" guy isn't it? I know he's a loyalist but didn't think he'd be linked with Breivik, or would it not really be that surprising if he was? NI politics isn't my strong suite.
That's that "Mad Dog" guy isn't it? I know he's a loyalist but didn't think he'd be linked with Breivik, or would it not really be that surprising if he was? NI politics isn't my strong suite.
Yeah that's him. Tbh It's really out of the blue for us. He was exiled to England but apparently he is in strong links with Breivik … some reports claim 'mentor' - Paul Ray is a great friend of Adair and Nick Greger, a former neo-nazi, convicted terrorist etc. He met with them both in Malta and Ray is linked with Breivik but says he 'only' draws inspiration from his 'writings.'
Yeah that's him. Tbh It's really out of the blue for us. He was exiled to England but apparently he is in strong links with Breivik … some reports claim 'mentor' - Paul Ray is a great friend of Adair and Nick Greger, a former neo-nazi, convicted terrorist etc. He met with them both in Malta and Ray is linked with Breivik but says he 'only' draws inspiration from his 'writings.'
Yeah, I saw a documentary on him and this Greger guy, they went to Uganda I think. I also recall hearing that he went into hiding in Troon, which is not that far down the coast from me. I think we can all agree that it's a very messy and ugly situation and the sooner it's all resolved the better.
That rail crash in China which seemed so simple from afar clearly isn't to the Chinese people. It's creating this interesting test and trial for their current media control status quo because this isn't a time people are willing to put up with the usual flowery prose and controlled details.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14321787This may be one of those important growth moments for China's society away from a facet of authoritarianism.
It's particularly interesting that major state owned media has actually been ignoring their duty and questioning the government on this.
ive always wondered about china, is the reason they cannot stop the way the goverment runs the country is from the sheer number of individuals????????
Norwegian electronics stores indefinitely ban 'violent videogames', including World of Warcraft (Breivik's favourite) in respect of victims.
Hmm .
Wow that is fucking stupid
ive always wondered about china, is the reason they cannot stop the way the goverment runs the country is from the sheer number of individuals????????
China's population size isn't to be underestimated. I think it's better for them to thaw from authoritarianism than to outright overthrow it like with you guys.
Imagine the level of instability there if central power broke down, it would be catastrophic.
They've already developed far away from having their leadership be a single point egomania festival like with Gaddafi. Which is what they had with Mao, and to a more pragmatic extent with Deng.
It's run by large bodies of unelected councils, and the top leaders seem almost to have even less individual power than American presidents by this point (aside from their vaguely defined term limits), but fuck that they even have terms, that Hu Jintao will be stepping down soon just as a matter of fact is actually kind of amazing. It shows China's government isn't a dynastic psuedo monarchy like the Libyan Jamahiriya, and much more of a well oiled machine based on basic governance. -
All I do is kill countless fire elementals on a daily basis and gang rape raid bosses.
How is that a violent behavior.
Don't act like you don't punch babies after that 40th wipe caused by that one guy who still hasn't learned not to stand in fire.
I do it after just 20 wipes.
This has to be the MOST RETARDED shit EVAAAAR
http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110729/03142715310/reports-claim-that-pakistan-is-trying-to-ban-encryption-under-telco-law.shtml -
This has to be the MOST RETARDED shit EVAAAAR
http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110729/03142715310/reports-claim-that-pakistan-is-trying-to-ban-encryption-under-telco-law.shtmlI've read the WBC's site , you have to aim pretty high to top that.
Edit: So, they're gonna masively fuck themselves over in the process ?
Apple has more cash reserves than its home country, at $76.4bn, compared to the US Treasury's $73.7bn, reports BBC.
So in theory they could solve the dept issue and create iUS or iAmerica.[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-14340470
Richard Nixon Watergate testimony ordered released
Ain't that a bitch.
Sooo…Democrats and republicans finally wrapped up a deal or can I start weeping for global economy?
I can't wait to see the backlash from this.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14356532
I didn't know about any of this. Guess I should really read more about this growing tension.
Sooo…Democrats and republicans finally wrapped up a deal or can I start weeping for global economy?
How do you think I feel about all this?
Last I heard, the Tea Party (or whatever ideologue that has the reins) were going too rogue for even the Repub's liking, and they're flat out refusing any deal, even one that's good for their own party. -
How do you think I feel about all this?
Last I heard, the Tea Party (or whatever ideologue that has the reins) were going too rogue for even the Repub's liking, and they're flat out refusing any deal, even one that's good for their own party.Yeah, the closest deal (by Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid) where everyone would have been happy was struck down due to almost all of the nay votes being from Tea Party Republicans.
I do think that everyone (including Republicans) are tired of the shit the GOP and Tea Party are pulling and even if they do get a deal in, this has definitely hurt them though the question is will it affect the GOP when the election comes around.
really? .. :getlost:
Boehner has to stand between saving the economy by giving those nutjobs the finger but actively cracking the republican party into two pieces which has been long threatening to happened post-Obama, or the other option is letting shit hit the fan and saving the party from fracture.
Though the way polls are looking it would probably also be in the repubs best interest to pick option one anyway.
really? .. :getlost:
Children died of hunger in Somalia so someone could spend time and money on this.
People need to go outside more.
People need to go outside more.
I reffer you to my previous statement :getlost:
We're nearly there. Obama is on my TV right now reporting the deal as done.
Also, Boehner, don't call for spending cuts and then refuse cuts to military spending. It just makes you more of a hypocrite.
The more hawkish I get, the less tolerant I get of these fucking idiots refusing to touch our ridiculously large military budget and pointless bases in places like Germany.
What about those tax loopholes?
Oh, nothing done about them? niiiiccceeeeee
Well at least a deal was finally struck, and only 24-48 hours before the deadline.
What about those tax loopholes?
Oh, nothing done about them? niiiiccceeeeee
Well at least a deal was finally struck, and only 24-48 hours before the deadline.
I dont understand politics much but what does the deal do for america?
I dont understand politics much but what does the deal do for america?
Basically it gives faith to investors that America will uphold its promise to pay back its debt and not default, strengthening the market which runs a good deal on trust. If the deal wasn't reached the treasury department wouldn't have enough money to fund many of the services that help run our economy today or pay workers like…active people in the military.
I'm not really all that informed on how this all works myself but you can read this article.
http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/daniel-gross/debt-deal-done-does-mean-063125258.html There are some negatives that come with this deal, most noticeably the major cuts on government spending which will most certainly mean more job loss and even slower economy growth.
I don't see how a group of people can be so fucking stupid that they don't want a tax raise.
It is simply not in their interest, I don't think it is mere stupidity. The question is wheter this was the best solution among the bad solutions. Only time will tell, again.
I don't see how a group of people can be so fucking stupid that they don't want a tax raise.
People want all the new stuff that costs money but they don't want to have to pay more taxes to get it.
The idea that one small percentage of the population making six/seven digit paychecks who can well-afford to take a the hit don't pay the same percentage of taxes that the guys scraping by with thirty grand a year should inherently set off some ''that ain't right'' bells.
Too bad politics has become, in the words of Alan Simpson, less about ''what can I do for this country?'' and more ''how can I screw the other side?''
I don't see how a group of people can be so fucking stupid that they don't want a tax raise.
Because people feel entitled to have nice things without paying for them.
Journalism at its finest. :getlost:
Journalism at its finest. :getlost:
Sadly, if it was a white kid they would not have edited it.
Also, in my hometown two people were killed when a stolen car plowed into a car with two people pulling out of a Jack in the Box, splitting the car in two. The crazy part, the woman who stole the car and killed these two people is actually the oldest child of my next door neighbors and someone I have known all my life. Small world
Glad the deal went through.
I'm glad that they finally decided to touch the defense budget, but I really hope these guys get pummelled come next election.This whole mess never needed to get to the point it did.
I'm glad that they finally decided to touch the defense budget, but I really hope these guys get pummelled come next election.This whole mess never needed to get to the point it did.
Yeah, I heard that the debt ceiling was raised seven times under Bush. That would make this just a total farce.
Yeah, I heard that the debt ceiling was raised seven times under Bush. That would make this just a total farce.
It's been raised 8 times in the past 8 years, 4 for each now, I believe.
Bush raised it once in 2001 and I think 2004. So about six for him.
Glad the deal went through, and I'm kinda glad both Liberals and Conservatives are pissed about this deal. Means it was an actual compromise. Nobody won in this deal, because everyone got half of what they want.
Edit: I thought tax loopholes were mentioned in the deal, because several congressmen on both sides were really adamant on closing them. But I guess not.
The debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush Jr. to help pay for all his unfunded and unbudgeted wars. It was raised 18 times under Regan. It has never been a huge political deal to raise it until now. This whole fiasco was manufactured for maximum impact come the next elections.
Yeah, I heard that the debt ceiling was raised seven times under Bush. That would make this just a total farce.
Bush raised it 7 times.
Reagan raised it 18.
I forget how many times Clinton raised it.This is the second time it's been raised under Obama (I believe. I may be mistaken on this point.)
Also, how about some happy news?
Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House today to show her support for the debt ceiling increase, which, thankfully, was passed.
http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/08/01/congress.giffords/index.html?hpt=hp_t1Also, CNN Comments, always there to destory any faith you might have in humanity:
They seriously should not let he back into congress. How can you expect someone to make decisions and vote for the American public when she got a bullet into her head.
Brain damaged she even looks like a retard or to politely put it she looks like she got Down Syndrome
The debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush Jr. to help pay for all his unfunded and unbudgeted wars. It was raised 18 times under Regan. It has never been a huge political deal to raise it until now. This whole fiasco was manufactured for maximum impact come the next elections.
Yea this whole thing has been disgusting regardless of what type deal came about. I'm still laughing at this "Super Congress" that got passed along with the bill what a complete joke this all have been.
FTR, It was raised 4 times under Clinton.