This thread was inspired by the discussion of chapter 1008 where almost no one seem to believe that Ashura Doji is dead. And who can blame the doubters? Oda doesn't seem to be capable of killing anyone without bringing them back at some point.
However, just like Ace and Whitebeard death were inevitable, I think some characters have to die in this arc. They just HAVE to, the story cannot progress forward with them alive. The main one I am speaking of is Kaidou. The second character is Orochi, there's no way that the Wano arc could ever conclude with them alive… how could they? What suitable fate that could await beside death? Kanjuro is the third character in my mind.
These three characters are the ones who I can bet they are going to die. I'm sure others would disagree and and have their own characters who think they will die, so lets discuss!