The most annoying thing to me is that the manga "fixing" the plot holes often actually isn't "fixing" much at all.
So, 17 had awareness about what was going on when absorbed by Cell, but by that logic 18 should, too, no?
I'm not happy with the FT arc's finale because it had such bland execution, but at least it had a legitimate reason why the timeline had to be erased: Zamasu literally fused with the universe and that corruption was spreading to the other timeline. It showed that Zamasu was a potential danger to all the timelines, giving importance to the fact that he had to be defeated.
Goku learning Hakai out of nowhere is far worse than Trunks' rage powerup, which actually had a good character reason to exist. Trunks went through a lot across the whole arc and fought a bunch.
Super Saiyan God makes no sense for Hit vs. Goku because the whole point was that Hit was adapting and getting faster and stronger as he fought, which is also the point of the Kaioken multiplier.
i defend Super because I think a lot of the criticisms directed to it are overblown, but I've got nothing for the manga. I like the art at points, but the action looks really bland under any scruitiny and I don't even have any respect for Toyotarou by just being a creator anymore, either, considering the recent tracing incident. Even manga with the least polished art I've seen don't go there (at least, they've done a good job of not being noticed). He's supposed to be a professional artist now and drawing Dragon Ball out of all things.