I dunno. This is Ankara. This is Izmir. This is Trabzon. Gaziantep. Look much better than the monstrosities in the Levant.
Hmm, the architecture looks like Istanbul.
Come to think of it me and Chrissie passed through Tekirdag on the way and I remember remarking on how the buildings were prettier in general.
I guess the Turks are the odd ones out if the Arabs, Jews and Greeks are all building grey slabs.
And lord knows I don't trust anything in the former USSR on this subject, sorry South Caucasus.
I really loved your typical Turkish village, and I saw a lot of those on a bus ride from Pamukkale to Fethiye on the Mediterranean coast. A bunch of houses with shingled red roofs scattered on the hillside and a pretty mosque with a single minaret (like a miniature version of the gigantic ones in Istanbul) dominating the "skyline". Something like this.
That looks identical to the smaller villages in Greece and Cyprus (aside from the mosque obviously). Which were beautiful yeah.
Cyprus was like this bizarre thing where the coastal cities were pre-fab jumbles full of british and russian tourists. And then you went up into the mountains and these insanely beautiful towns and villages were hidden away, and barely any tourists.
Mountains, natural protection from empires, invaders, and fat british people with cameras.
Speaking of that, on the way into Turkey we passed through lots of really tiny farm towns in fairly open flat farmlands rather than those mountains. It was surreal as hell to see these little nowheres that looked for all the world like small towns in like Nebraska or something except with a ornate mosque in the middle lolll.
I mean it was half the Islam, and half the pretty religious building since Protestants outside the Anglicans do not give two fucks what their churches look like.
I can raise a toast to that.
Have you been to Boston? [Boston looks like it sold it's soul to the devil.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=8Lv&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=sb&biw=1525&bih=741&tbm=isch&q=boston city streets&revid=1138107811&ei=Zv4gU_7nHsL10gHnioGQDQ&ved=0CCEQsyU#facrc=&imgdii=&imgrc=zD6uHxpOAYR46M%3A%3BsM6T469GrtIjuM%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fimg148.imageshack.us%2Fimg148%2F2936%2F1000855vq9.jpg%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.city-data.com%2Fforum%2Furban-planning%2F448875-whats-your-favorite-urban-street-us.html%3B800%3B600) It's just insanely almost perfectly beautiful and clean.
Like Hartford is modest, Providence is tiny, and NYC has loads of grime to offset it's breathtakingness.
But Boston is just….jesus christ.
As for the city I live right outside of?
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
That is a harsh blow to my Scandinavian selfhate. Cause those buildings look dreary as shit.
Don't worry the actual people and weather offsets it to some degree with flashes of color and life. So you're still bland as hell.
Though I have to say Reykjavik actually reminded me of the east side of Providence, which is a big compliment. So I dunno what you mainland vikings are doing wrong.