Please note that this is largely a joke, but I thought it was funny enough to post…
Okay, anyone who's seen the Anime probably knows the original opening music, We Are. I'm focusing specifically on the Straw Hats version, particularly the most recent one, here's a link:
Two things I noticed from this:
The first verse is all of the female VAs, the second verse is all the male VAs. The numbers are almost equal (off by one), and have been every time there has been a Straw Hat version of the song. There is currently one more male than female. Should we expect to see a female VA next? Possibly implying the next Straw Hat will be a woman? I'm now wondering how Hancock's singing voice is…
The only three Straw Hats to have solo parts are Nami, Luffy, and Usopp (in order). While Luffy is ... Luffy, Nami and Usopp are notably the most realistically human characters in the series - Usopp more so, and his part corresponds to Luffy's. The only serious fight between two Straw Hats in the series to date was Luffy vs. Usopp. Could we be expecting to see particularly great things from Usopp in the future?