The reason why Enel has the possibility to defeat Blackbeard is because of the power of electromagnetism.
Out of the four major forces in the universe, Gravity is the weakest.
Major nuclear
Minor Nuclear
When you place a piece if iorn next to metal shavings, nothing happens because the force of attraction is too weak and is bloked out by the earth.
when you place a magnetized piece of iorn next to metal shavings, the are immediately attracted to it and attach themselves to the surface.
High speed trains in japan are launched on rails held only by magnetism. even though the mass of the magnets are small in comparison to the mass of the earth, the power of electromagnetism over powers the gravity.
Solar radiation And solar winds constantly batter the earth. None of the rays reach the earth because the earth itself is a giant magnet and repells the deadly waves. If gravity was stronger than electromagnetism, the waves would reach the surface with the pull of the earth.
People only believe gravity is strong because we only see it in objects the size of planets, suns, and moons. Gravity is sometimes misunderstood as the srongest because of blackholes. Due to hawking radiation, a black hole is not as powerful as though since atoms are able to escape the pull through the ececretion jet. blackholes are created when Major Nuclear power is exerted in one location such as a supernova.
The facts of electromagnetism show that it has greater power than Gravity.
If an object with a mass of 50 solarmasses( typical blackhole) and a magnetic charge were to come in contact with a blackhole, it would destroy the Black hole. However, this is only in theory because nothing but Quasars, Pulsars, Nuetron stars, Blackholes, and Super Red Giants have been observed to hold a mass of that preportion. Electromagnetism has shown that if an object of equal mass encountered another object of equal mass that was magnetised, the magnetic object would over power the non-magnetized object.