Why do I think that adaptation shall have an idiotic "enviromentalist" message plastered all over it ?
Why do people hate James Cameron's Avaturd?
Why do I think that adaptation shall have an idiotic "enviromentalist" message plastered all over it ?
Considering Battle Angel Alita universe, I wouldn't be surprised if Cameron does it.
This time people will be depressed they don't live in the oceans of pandora and drown themselves.
Thats how you make money nowadays.
Destroy a good series with a shitty version for the movie, make 3 parts out of it to get hardcore-fans pay 3 times.Simple.
I will be so fucking pissed if Cameron takes parts of Nausicaä for his next movie.
Isnt this like really really old news?
I'm sure this info came out less than a month after its initial cinema release.
But yeah I think that sequels could definitely work. The mythology is rich and the designs are interesting. A bit more of an original story would be integral to the next two though.
This time people will be depressed they don't live in the oceans of pandora and drown themselves.
God, if only.
Save us a lot of graves. Decay corpses faster. When the zombie outbreak takes place, we'll have less zombies to worry about.
Hey guys, Avatar: Extended collectors edition is out! And According to Empire, It includes dozens of incredible added and deleted scenes!
Anti-earth message not clear enough? We'll, now you get to see that earth is a grey "Blade runner lite" world populated by miserable looking people talked down to by oppresively big TV's! Tigers are only saved from extinction by cloning, oh the horror!
Absolutely essential exposition, like "the hallelujah mountains float because unobtainuim is a superconductor…or something"
Not fazed by being sprayed with bullets and taking a 100 meter drop from an aircraft carrier, Jealous Brother manages to give a long, boring dying speech!
New character development! Not enough politically correct environmentalism? Theres now a subplot about getting Sigourney Weaver to quit smoking!
Oh, and remember the Helicopter Pilot chick and That Other Avatar Pilot? Well, I guess they had a relationship, because they have a sex scene!
A deeper look at Navi culture!
Well, not really, but theres a new hunt scene where Jake is awesome once again and hunts Buffalo-Crab things from the sky in a "dances with wolves like scene" (No! Really?), proving his statement that he's "a stone cold aerial hunter".And we get a scene which involves, and I quote: "Jake swallowing a hallucinogenic caterpillar and tripping balls". How that did not make the final cut is beyond me.
And finally, a Navi Rave.
Hot diggity.
Meh, I enjoyed it. Not the best movie ever, and it totally screamed FERN GULLY the whole time, but it wasn't that bad. I'm curious to see the second movie though.
And also, if one does not really enjoy a movie, what's the point in buying it? Man, I wish I could blow my money whenever I felt like it >_>.
And we get a scene which involves, and I quote: "Jake swallowing a hallucinogenic caterpillar and tripping balls". How that did not make the final cut is beyond me.
Wait…. what?
What happened with jack's body?
If I was in his position, I'd rather eat myself.
So I was talking to a friend of mine and he was talking about bad movies that don't deserve the hype and he brought up these three movies 1. Twilight 2. Titanic and Avatar the movie.
Now I have heard many times Avatar being highly overrated but to be put on the same league as Twilight (Fangirl's Movie) that is just surprising. Sure the movie was overrated but it was far from bad. Me and my family enjoyed the movie in theatres and the actions and effects were amazing. My only problem with the movie was it being to linear and it being a bit too predictable but hey, you see that in a lot of action movies. Still their are many people who absolutely hate this movie and can't understand why.
So My question to you all is why the hate for this movie, which at bare minimum was a OK/Average Movie (IMO).
It was an average movie, but only because of the amazing visuals. If it wasn't for that it would be a bad movie, especially when most people want plot over visuals.
it's kind of a common concept with all si-fi movies. and ive heard its based off of one of the pocahontas theories
It's Pocahontas/Ferngully with blue space people.
It held up amazingly terrible on a second viewing.
James Cameron should just make another Wayne's World film.
It's Ferngully, Pocahontas, The Last Samurai, etc etc but IN SPACE.
It's not a horrible movie, but it doesn't even deserve a fraction of the praise it gets from people.
That and it's pretty bad when I, who didn't see any trailers for the movie and didn't know what it was about until I sat down in the theater, managed to guess the entire plot nearly verbatim within the first 10 minutes of the movie.
This post is deleted!
are they making a sequel?
I think Cameron wants to make 3 movies, with one of the movies based on the ocean of Pandora. How that will be made well I don't know.
Because the plot was dry and predicable?
Gee. Hope that tree is okay by the end of the movie WAIT NO CALLED IT
what do they do with the bird thingy's poop?
This didn't really need a topic since you can probally read through the actual thread and get all the answers to your questions…. but...
I literally fell asleep in the movie theater. Tru fuckin story. Pretty graphics can only keep me awake through tedious boredom for so long.
It was also super simplistic, it read like an Oliver Stone script with it's THIS SOCIETY HAS A GODDESS = UTOPIA!!! and ridiculous purism of nature philosophy.
How can anyone even opt for that in a world with Miyazaki and Wall-E as alternatives.
Are the avatar peolpe cats? cause they hiss and crap.
One thing I hated was the thing they all wanted. Unobtainium.
I mean, c'mon.
Think of a better name! "Unobtainium"! It's like you knew you couldn't have it.And the only reason people love it so much is because of the graphics and effects. That's the only thing good about it. That's the only thing people talk about. Not about how boring the story is.
I think Cameron wants to make 3 movies, with one of the movies based on the ocean of Pandora. How that will be made well I don't know.
But with blue furries! -
I wonder how James Cameron's thought process goes.
theres no such thing as war and strife is you live in nature and worship something with a vagina :)
are the hair tenticl thing they're penis then?
are the hair tenticl thing they're penis then?
If that's the case, they're all gay men.
They connect those hair things to have sex. -
Plus I love how the main character totally doesn't do his mission, and goes around riding animals and having tail sex instead.
Plus I love how the main character totally doesn't do his mission, and goes around riding animals and having tail sex instead.
That's what one dimensional love does.
so they're pussys with penis hair things so the hair on their head is pubic hair
Man, he was so easily fascinated by the world he just said "SCREW IT" and did the opposite of what he went there to do.
Anything with mass popularity gets a public backlash where it is cool to say it sucks. I am seeing it happen to One Piece more recently. Naruto and Bleach get this treatment pretty harshly as well. If neither were as popular there would be a lot less hate and a lot more indiffernece (like Black Cat or something ~ which is easily as mediocre as both of them.)
EDIT: also, I like the film. It was far from a master work but I expected as much. It was enjoyable and exceptional in at least one area (visuals), what more do you want? Did the world suddenly think Cameron grew the ability to tell a phenomenal story? I'll bet a lot of these same people are going to complain that Transformers III didn't live up to the hype. Ah, geez, the trailer was so cool but the story didn't really deliver. Shut your face! You should have known what you were in for. Same. Thing.
watch this
Might be because I didn't see it in 3d, but it was just very boring. Predictable plot, boring characters you don't feel for, mediocre climax.
Might be because I didn't see it in 3d, but it was just very boring. Predictable plot, boring characters you don't feel for, mediocre climax.
The 3D glasses might as well been a sleep mask. You were not missing much.
District 9 was a much better sci-fi movie at like 10x less budget.
Whenever I see this guy, I am immediately reminded of Guile for some reason
Also so I take it that some of the argument stems from the fact that it was too predictable and linear. I completely agree to that end, however many hollywood movies are guilty of this as well and it is not to common to stumble upon a good movie lately as alot of them suck. So while Avatar was not great, in comparison to typical hollywood movies, it was not bad.
Although I will say this, for a man who created the 1986 hit Aliens, this movie was James Cameron less than stellar work.
has anyone seen super 8
District 9 was a much better sci-fi movie at like 10x less budget.
Truth. I actually cared for the aliens in that movie.
Call me crazy but i think I've seen a thread like this before on Apforums, at least twice. I tend to go back a lot of pages and it might be a different forum but I'm sure I've seen this before