This is not Perona's real body. Only her astral projection can fly. Fact.
Oda did not show a second panel of Perona fighting the Marines even though we see the marines under the effect of negative hollow. Some of them are shooting at someone. Perona's real body not being impervious to bullets this is not Perona's real body. Fact.
Oda changed Perona's design just like the rest of the srawhats. He did not change Hancocks design or any of the other secondary characters either. Only Perona who was sent flying away by Kuma just like the rest of the strawhats.
The same people who took Perona out of this poll are the same people who were convinced that Perona would never accompany Zoro to Sabaody and that Zoro would find his way back alone just for comedy. lol at them by the way.
Obviously Perona's personality has evolved. She did help Zoro and as was saw this chapter she did not do it because she's afraid of him.
She's been on sabaody alone for like 10 days waiting to help Zoro and the strawhats. Fact, bitches.
And lol at the people who claimed Perona would have been too weak to survive in the NW. She's easily raping marines.
Even more lol at the people who knew, K N E W, that Perona would remain on Mihawk's island forever ruling over a bunch of monkeys (BECAUSE IT WAS OBVIOUS. Right, brennen ? lol ).
Next week or the week after that. Perona's will appear on the Sunny.
I was the one who took Perona out of the poll, and I challenge you to actually find a post where I claimed Perona couldn't get to Sabaody. I actually predicted that Zoro would try himself and end up at Amazon Lily, but it's not like I expect all my predictions to come true.
Anyway, this is the predetermined moment. The crew has left for Fishman Island. That's been the condition all along. Even AGOG doesn't think Oda would have her show up on the ship next chapter. If she shows up, I'll admit I was wrong about this decision. Someone as aggressive as you should have more humility, though.
Why don't you experts apologize for insulting the people who thought Perona would accompany Zoro to Sabaody ?
You are the last person who has the right to ask for an apology from anyone.