Some people would prefer that poor little pacifist weaklin to continue fighting in her beloved gladiator suit ha? Funny how some people were so blind and convinced toward one certain character. Poor Kyros is in the same boat as bellamy just not as thoughful of suicide as Bellamy. Kyros still has not gotten over himself. He even tried distancing himself from his daughter. Dude is living in his past. Which is ridiculous unless his past includes things we have not as yet seen. Like before that incident. Regardless he is amoung the criminals so called. This will be interesting. Atleast luffy will make the relationship between Rebbecca and Kyros open and acceptable, but im more interested in how he will help bellamy and kyros get out of their bubble. And of course what law will do if anything in regard Sengoku.
Was cool seeing the allies chilled like Bonney with their hoddies waiting. Well just Cavendish and Don Sai. Suliman and Harujin was just chilled. What a sail off that will be. The hapou navy, the yonta maria fleet, bartolomeo club, the beautiful pirates, the pirate mercenaries, the explosive ideo, the longleg guy, plus bellamy our surprise guest from dressorosa, the samurai , sailing like bosses. What a sight.