Why do people bash Kubo constantly for choosing to draw pages with no backgrounds and big panels, yet manga like Vagabond do the same thing and no one says anything bad about them? Same thing goes for the similar character designs.
It's been covered, but my take:
Many of Kubo's panels, even the regular scenes, have little backgrounds going on. Soul Society, a feudal Japanese society? Mostly. Las Noches was a treasure trove of whiteness. It's great to have those few panels where there is nothing going on in the back, to really make the words/drawing stand out (Blackbeard's speech at Mock Town)
But that effects gets diminished as Kubo does/did it more and more, so it seems like laziness.
As for the character designs, we've all been there before, criticizing Oda for his same-y female designs, or Toriyama using similar faces too. It's certainly not very viable for a manga artist to unique faces for every character drawn, but it really sticks out for Kubo:
-the smug cocky look
-the look that tries to do smooth aloofness but seems like emotionless 90% of the time
Don't get me started on the contemporary Bleach combo of: half-lidded eyes and duck lips. Yeesh.
Although, to be fair, I think we've all kinda accepted Kubo-style art at this point, and most of the complaints (from my end, at least) are plot-based. It's easier to correct a narrative than art….I think.