I can't wait till Chopper and Franky actually show their stuff in a fight. Maybe Franky will have real heat-seeking missiles now. :D
Zoro's outfit is awesome. I can't wait to see how he'll interact with Sanji. There's something new for the both of them to insult each other about now. Hancock with that fake nose cracks me up.
Also, can someone link me to Oda's comment about his mistake and the thing about using reader's ideas for the chapter covers?
R: I just realized this, but even though you always listen to all sorts of wishes from your readers, you never publicity ask for a new character design, or ask us to think up a new Devil Fruit that will appear in the series? If I could make one… Hmm... A "Diarrhea Fruit" (gerigeri no mi) or a "Stomach Growl Fruit" (buriburi no mi)? A Stomach Growl Fruit eater whose stomach works perfectly, wouldn't that be cool? (Pen Name: Scorpius girl)
O: Not cool at all! That's just a normal healthy person!! …right, I don't ask for suggestions. And I won't. I don't need them. This might sound a bit cold, but I don't want other people's ideas... The editors and people at Jump sometimes change, but every time there is a new one, the first thing I tell them is to not give me suggestions. I want to have the confidence to say that I thought up all the people and the entire story by myself! If I rely on people once, I might keep doing it, and if it's a failure, I'll blame it on them. But if I succeed, it's because of my own ability, and if I fail, it's my own fault. I like that. Although I might want ideas on things that has nothing to do with the main story... Like the covers with Strawhats and animals. I'd love to get ideas for those. If you write "I'd like to see this animal and this person do something" on a scrap of paper for me, I'd love to draw that!
Oda stated that he made a mistake on the colorspread of 598, the design is to have Zoro’s LEFT eye scarred.
Again, 598 = wrong, 599 and future = correct
Franky: It’s you, Robin! The SUPERRRR Archologist of our gang!
Robin: …………. you haven’t changed, Franky (smiles)
Chopper: I’m dissapointed with you guys!! I’m gonna save her even if I have to do it alone! Wait for me, Robin!