Well, that post was not about why she would join. I was only addressing your commentary about her being paper-thin and asking what kind of story could she have.
About her joining, I'm not convinced that she will, but I do think it's likely. The reasons are: (1) it makes sense as a natural outcome for her storyline because she wants to go on an adventure at sea and because of the Dawn thing, (2) the amount of screentime she received for no expository reason and without being personally connected to the plotline of the arc, (3) her portrayal being analogous to the Strawhats in WCI (and now Onigashima, maybe), (4) she is a mink, which could be relevant for endgame reasons (like the fishman new recruit), (5) I think her design is very good and fits the bill for a shonen girl hero, (6) she is quirky and fits the mannerism of the crew.
Btw, the reasons above are about why I think it's likely that she'll join, not why I think this would be good. How much we would enjoy her in the crew falls upon our enjoyment of her personality.
Now Jinbe might be awkwardly fit in this since we've known him for a good 10+ years before he finally joined, but the time he's actually spent with the crew is limited, and the time that is spent in the story with him interacting with them is very well defined. He has a good connection with the crew, he's expressed a clear goal and reason to join Luffy, he's time and time again proven himself worthy and useful and has had his moments to shine.
[…] It's the opposite of the Jinbe treatment where every scene we had with him was important to his characterization, while Carrot was interacting in ways that are comparable to other temporary travelling buddies, like Keimi.
I personally love Jimbe and I always wanted him to join (and believed he would since before fishmen island). But I can't agree with this idealization of his portrayal.
For the longest time, there used to be a lot of complaints about Jimbe being a bland Shichibukai and a repetitive character, like his old mania of saying all the time that he would die for this or that. Jimbe was not funny and didn't have quirks. Jimbe could be summarized as the "honorable knight" and that was it. And despite liking him, I couldn't really deny that all of that was partially true.
And we only truly understood his motivations in Fishmen Island a hundred chapters after his introduction, but he was secondary even during that arc and we didn't get too much about his personal perspective. Btw, he only spoke his goal for the first time in WCI, two hundred chapters after that.
As you can see, lot of screentime spent with him was not "character defining", but mostly the same flair of honorable fluff (cool fluff, though). Only hundreds of chapters made him a well rounded character.
But that still doesn't erase hundreds of chapters where she's amounted to very little, and I think it speaks volumes to how she may be treated in the future.
Besides what I already said about my diagnosis of Jimbe, what's so insightful about the other Strawhats in arcs outside of their origin story? Except for the few arcs when there's a focused plot going on with one of them individually (sometimes it happens), their participation sums up to interacting and goofing around or fighting and making themselves useful. That's the same standard used for Carrot in WCI and possibly now again. When I say she got the same portrayal as the other Strawhats, I mean it.
Of course, the difference is that the Strawhats are already developed characters who got their own arcs, so they can get away with it… and Carrot lacks that excuse.
But if we're willing to accept that Oda can invert the order of things, then we should only demand her depth to come from when she gets that kind of focus (if it happens).
In the meanwhile, we can't really compare her to the likes of Camie, who was a cool girl and all, but her participation was expository and a device to leverage the action. Come on!, Carrot doesn't have parallels like that.