I quite liked 300, mainly because a concept such as the Spartan era didn't really need a deep story or memorable story. Eye-candy, action and liners were all the film needed to keep me entertained from beginning to end. Unlike some other films that tried the "concept-centric" approach such as Avatar… I was completely bored out of my mind watching that movie. The scenery was pretty but it did nothing for me. The main lead was boring, and the battles agianst the villains barely had much seen or historic buildup(they kinda just came and started destroying stuff for lame reasons).
I agree about Hangover. It was not funny, but I did like the "WTF is happening here" moments. Honestly, there should have been more of that instead of a weak excuse for a plot.
If there's any overatted movie I'd mention, it has to be Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I absolutely love the comics and the chracters. After seeing the movie, I was quite disappointed and embarrassed enough to watch it with my sister. Scott's actor was as flat as cheap piece of toilet paper... I mean, the dude sounded as if he was bored out of his mind for the entire movie. Maybe he was trying to go for the innocent loser approach, but there wasn't enough energy. He sucked! Sucked! Sucked! Sucked! While it's not the most unfaithful adaption to a cult-based comic book(that belongs to Tank Girl), I liked the overall style the movie had. Unfortunately that's not enough to call a great movie.
If there was more running time to make things better, I would have loved more scenes within Subspace, all of the events at Clash at Demonhead (I really hated when Todd was a bigger prick in the movie), and Kim's story(it could have done without the hinting).