Our favorite rubberband has finally bounced into the fold. I unno if it counts necessarily as grinding (and maybe they changed the scaling by the time I did P4G) but I didn't really feel like I ever needed to deliberately grind, though. I do end up thoroughly exploring dungeon floors before moving on, though, I suppose. If there was a time when it felt like scaling was at its most difficult, I'd say it was the beginning, though.
This has been on my list for a long long time, but I had no way of playing it until recently (I had to reconfigure my whole room for the TV to play the PS2). I've looked at enemy guides a bit and it seems like they changed a lot between the two versions. The bosses in gold tend to at least have a weakness while that hasn't been the case in the old version. Some enemy stats were made a little tougher to compensate, though, so it's hard to say. Personally, though, I find myself running out of SP in dungeons and then feeling underpowered on the bosses. Even after grinding and doing the bonus boss in the castle before attempting the bathhouse, I had difficulty. I'm on my third ingame day of doing this dungeon, and though this will probably be the last one, I still can't remember the last time I've had this sort of difficulty with RPGing.
When Persona 4 came out I had just clocked in like 200 hours on Persona 3, so I wasn't in a hurry to go out and get it. Then I waited, and eventually got it on the PS3. It's sitting there on my harddrive, waiting to be played… really want to play it.
Right next to Suikoden 1 and 2... Life is Strange... Xenoblade... Witcher 3... Trails in the Sky... And dozens of platformers... I've got like 600 hours of games stocked up.
At least I'm finally getting through Fire Emblem... and playing a bunch of Smite and Dark Souls... and One Finger Death Punch...
I haven't played 3, but 4 is definitely a big time sink, so prepare yourself if you dive in! It has been a really enjoyable experience so far, though.