I think the government could implement their own personnel if they wanted. Im sure there are plenty of people who are just as powerful, if not even stronger than vice admirals or the "previous" admirals.
But, who knows. I just cant see any of the vice admirals taking those positions because they dont have that"type" of essence following them. If anything it will be characters like Onigumo, Doberman, or Strawberry, all of which actually seem like government dogs like Akainu.
Maybe Akainu promotes even more VAs to admiral status.
The reason why we had 3 admirals yet is because Oda had this momotaro-pattern. Since Kizaru is the only one left in that position and if we consider the chaos that is goin on now in the NW it could be that we'll have even 5 admirals now.
About 24 yrs ago we only saw Sengoku as admiral (we don't know if he was the only one or if there was another who retired or died), but until now we sure had 3 admirals in the age of piracy ("WB-era"). And please consider another thing:
Garp rejected every promotion from VA to admiral. He sure could have been the 4th admiral if he ever have wanted to yet.
And Jinbe stated it:
"The marine is now an even more powerful institution than b4."
Could mean they improved the PXs, that there are more brutal guys in charge, or just because a man like Sakazuki is in charge now.
BTW I bet Kuzan is now a bounty hunter if he does anything at all. And since there have been so many fans who whined bout not getting strong enuff bounty hunters there is this chance now.
Kuzan could capture pirates he considers as evil and gets enuff money to live from it without the disadvantage he had under Sakazuki if he was still a marine.
Kuzan 4 either bounty hunter or hermit on a certain NW-island.