Ah, I hadn't thought about it that way. But yes, of course Law wouldn't be able to keep Caesar if he was Doflamingo property. Thank you, that explanation works smoothly.
Of course, the bigger question is why Fujitora claims that he only heard "rumors" regarding Doffys status as Joker and Caesars insane experiments, considering Smoker and his crew are first hand witnesses to everyhting at Punk hazard (and first hand Doflamingo mauling victims). Seems pretty solid evidence against Doffy to me, they even have a tanker with his symbol on it full of Caesars test subjects. I guess we'll have to wait and see Doffys WG connections before we can judge how well it holds up, but the weird thing is that Smokers info about Green Bit got through, but appearantly nothing else.
Smoker was told to not told about joker. He pobably kept his word.