which would have made them easy to identify on-screen but of course they opted to not put any distinguishing features amongst them. Not that I'm saying the movie versions should be wearing colored hats.
Style of clothes (details, cloth type, metal or fur or embroidered trim, cloak or no cloak) , type and amount of armor, style and shape of weapons, amount of facial hair… ? Each one visually distinct from the rest, but the associated ones bearing similarities. Some are dressed more for winter for instance with longer coats or capes... Each grouping has a different visual style of weapon. Fili and Kili do look way younger than the rest, they have different amounts of makeup in their nose and beard styles, and you can tell instantly that Gloin is related to Gimli without thinking a single one of the others are.
Balin and Dwalin have ornate leather robes with fancy trim on them, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur have earth toned cloth, Oin and Gloin have a fair bit of armor, Fili and Kili have more wintery outfits , Nori Ori and Dori all have cloaks.
Fili and Kili have goatees, Nori Ori and Dori have short beards, Bofur and Bombur have minimal chin hair, and the rest all have long beards.
Its not as blatant as "these two guys are in bright red, these two guys are in bright green, these three are the only ones wearing armor", but there' IS theme and style and commonalities to the groups without being as blatant as bright color coding (though under some lighting there is brown/black/earth tone/leather thing going on.)
And of course, Thorin despite being famous for his long beard, gets a fairly moderate normal beard because it makes him stand out among those others, and gets a giant fur coat.
Also, it looks like elves are going to get that kind of easy marking in their hair colors.
In the movie though you can't even tell them apart. When characters are on-camera you can't just sort of ignore them the whole time like a written narrative can get away with here and there, or they look even more insignificant.
They're all visually distinctive. And again, I'm pretty certain the extended cut will add in much of the character moments you feel are missing… since it was exactly the same in LotR where most of the character stuff was trimmed for the theatrical in favor of plot and action.
Dernhelm was Eowyn, not sure what Robby is going on about there.
They didn't put a full face concealing helmet on her to try to play up and fake that it was a completely different male character with a new name only to have a surprise reveal later when she removed her helmet to Merry's surprise. It was an unneeded complication and an extra name that wouldn't make sense visually.
Or like when Pippin hanged out with Beregond and then his son Bergil… stuff given major screentime in the book where they interacted with Perrin at length... rightly cut from the movies. (And I had to look really hard to find their names.)