Whoa… It's been a while since I've done one of these. I think the last one was for Arrested Development? So like 2 years ago? My job kind of took everything out from under my feet and a lot of things fell through the cracks. (Anyone remember the Underappreciated Film thread? I try not to...) But having quit that job, I now have a lot of time on my hands, and with the X-Files returning for a mini-series next January, I thought this was the perfect time to finally watch this show.
Wait, what? Yeah, I've somehow never watched the X-Files before. Okay, that's not entirely true, I've seen some episodes here and there, and I tried to get into the series before but only made it halfway through the first season, if that, but I just never had enough time to sit through all of, so I lost interest.
So I'm going for it now and I invite all of you to join me. As of typing, there are 254 days until the premiere, and 202 episodes--and a couple of movies or something, right?--so that gives a nice leisurely pace of an episode a day.
I figure I'll start next Monday (or later if any of y'all who want to join me want to push it back a bit.) I'll probably just post a short review of each episode, cataloging what I think. Even if I dislike the show, which I pray I won't, I will see this through till the end.
Well, that's it. Anyone else interested it, rewatching it or experiencing it for the first time with me?