Merry is V2 made by Iceburg :P
Yeah, I know you're kidding, but if anyone has any doubts, just take a close look at the scan. You can see the metal plating around the ship's figurehead and the main mast, patches on the rear of the hull and the glass on the port side porthole is broken. Clearly the original.
While some people have been disappointed by the reappearance of the Going Merry, it really make sense in some ways. The rescue ship was just one more large naval vessel. Even if they had managed to set sail on that ship, it would have been an easy target for the remaining Buster Call ships. The Going Merry is a caravel, and caravels are known for being small and highly maneuverable. That's one reason the ship has survived so many naval battles, and really makes it the only candidate for being small and fast enough to outmaneuver the huge Buster Call ships.
If I have any one complaint (and yeah, it's nitpicking ) it's that all of the Buster Call ships are sitting there, pointed in different directions, with all of their main sails full of wind. If the ships are supposed to be stationary, firing at the Bridge of Hesitation, the sails should be raised. If the Going Merry then came in, full sail, it would have given the crew the upper hand in a getaway. Funny how that final blast managed to blow everyone in the direction of the Merry.