Every comment regarding them has been by placing them in a false dichotomy between Afghanistan and Sweden. You've never wanted to talk about them as their own thing with their own practices and histories regarding social customs.
I'm frankly quite sick of repeating myself on this issue.
You said it right here.
See? Right there. That's your line.
Then let's make some tafsir in this bitch:
When did I ever say that homophobia can only be manifested through religion? Hatred of homosexuals and biases against women can definetly be hold for a myriad of reasons. But if you're going to tell me that religion plays absolutely no part in this ( ''this'' refers to homophobia in general, not cases where religion is not the software being run on people's brains ) whatsoever, then
Most likely a missunderstanding. In my defense I was writing the post 3 in the morning.
Are you one of those clueless new age hippie types who thinks before the great darkness of monotheism crept in that mankind was running around free of prejudice?
Or do you at least extend that toward the pagan religions as well. And think before THOSE things were dandy doo.
Also lol, East Asia's social cues are all Confucian. Which is not a religion. It's a philosophy. So um….
No, I just happen to think we have no global concern with human sacrifices in Mayan communities today. It just so happens that islam, judaism and christianity are just as ancient, superstitious, corrosive of common sense and destructive of the possibilities of human wellbeing as any pagan religion would be. Difference is that we don't have to concern ourselves with death cults who engage in human sacrifice and cannibalism based on their belief in imaginary gods.
It's almost like every single moral or belief system from day one to now and beyond is colored by the society it springs from and nests in rather than the other way around or something???
So what happens when we get our moral and belief systems from ancient, superstitious desert people who knew absolutely nothing about anything? We can choose to have a conversation about ethics and metaphysics in a 21st century context, or we can choose to have it in a bronze age context where we have to pretend to know things we do not know.
Much like machismo/patriarchy or whatever you want to call it, though you can have socieities perfectly fine with homosexuality but still misogynist, Ancient Greece for instance. I wonder if people were sexist before the religions or only after them. Hmm. Truly a question for the ages.
One does not cancel out the other. The point is that religion still gives a very strong rationale for treating women horribly and keeping up age old, male impulses to treat women like their property. We didn't exactly get where we are today with respect to gender equality by reading a whole lot more of the corinthians.
So am I not hearing this national conversation in my country right now regarding Christians talking with Christians about what
Or the entire matter of the current pope and his constituients?
Also what the fuck are you talking about. No taboo regarding political idealogies?? Really? So extreme examples for religion are ok, but politics? You can't think of examples now and in recent history where there were taboos regarding secular political idealogy?
Leftists defending Nazis sure would be strange! Rightists on the other hand will do as much! At least in your continent!
In ours they really love defending these guys.
As for the Leftists? Well gawrsh, I wonder what grouping of radical superstitious violence prone entities they frequently spend time defending and being very dogmatic about.
Do you have any idea how much apologism for nasty authoritarian states I've heard on the grounds of them being communist? Including North fucking Korea?
I don't understand the first paragraph. And this is exactly the point: leftists do not shy away from telling us what is wrong with nazism. Liberals don't shy away from telling us what is wrong with stalinism and communists will tell us what is wrong with capitalism. What you will never see is people from the same political camp excusing stupid ideas from their adversaries. Good luck seeing a prime minister even in the most secular of countries even noticing the fact that for instance homophobia is strongy linked to religion in the bulk of the cases. We would never delude ourselves into thinking that political ideologies do not drive behaviour in any way. And yet, this is exactly the ground we are standing on issues that we could just get rid off in a generation if anyone would dare to challenge religious bullshit in the public square. Do you now see the difference?
Yeah, people who tend to agree on many positions also tend to hold one another's backs, even if they differ somewhat on the details. As for communism, I think there is no clearer analogy to be made about the fact that the abrahamitic is inherently tyrannical and in the words of the great, late Christopher Hitchens ''a celestial North Korea''. You just have to look at all the similarities between the USSR, North Korea and what religion tries to propagate. Difference is, if you screw your allpowerful owner over in religion, you will be punished after you're dead ( not just with a 60 year prison sentence, for all eternity, subjected to the worst possible torture you can imagine ). North Korea is the most terrible nation in the world, but at least you can die and leave North Korea.
You're provincial as FUCK lol. Small minded to say the least. You're so angry about moderates ruining your hate boner that you lash out on them for some reason lol.
And yet, the only thing you've done whenever I've made a case is say ''well, these guys did it too''. You have not refuted anything I've mentioned. All you've said is ''not all religious people believe this'' ''it's just extremists'' ''it happens in other context''. What I've said is right. I am not making this up: religion does pose a huge liability for the collective advancement of the human race and it always has.
That's really rare, at least in North America. Sorry champ. Europe might get poorer immigrants from more backwards places than Canada/US. Which goes right back to that being a product of the radical old country. Like what is this point supposed to be?
How can you know? Like really, unless we conduct fieldresearch and 24 hour surveillance on every women in this specific diaspora, we can't be certain. What I am certain of however, is that many women who wear veils in most of the world are forced ( by state or family or community ) and even if they aren't forced: what would happen if they didn't want to dress that way anymore? Even if they do now, what would happen? That is a broad question allright, and the answer varies. But I guarantee you, that we would find cases where families would just rather instinctively sewer the ties with their children.
The problem isn't that you don't deny it, it's that you handwave it as irrelevant and still poisonous. [
In the specific cases I spoke of goddamit, is this so fucking hard to understand?
You have delusions of relevance and grandeur lolll.
Time wasted! We could be…..uh....no really, what time are we wasting.
Want to do a quick head count? On where people here are from? Bet you they are not from those countries!
So what relevance does our discussion of law and social pressure have among eachother? Zilch.
Ahh, it's simply not the same I guess.
But hey, maybe if we talk about it more, the Iranian regime will collapse! And Egyptian society will update it's gender attitudes!
Maybe Saudi Arabia will retroactively fall under the control of the Hejaz instead of the Nejd!
Yeah, let's be sarcastic twats about it instead.
Or nothing. Or we live in pluralistic countries that are striving to patch together it's plural and understand the majority of what the face of those belief systems resembles in our borders. When I talk about Mormons I don't mean these guys, I mean these guys. When I talk about American Muslims I think of New Haven, not the bizarre one in a hundred story about that one fresh immigrant father doing an honor killing (which occurs among Hindus as well btw).
So you tell me who is wasting their time here? Which approach is actually confronting a local reality?
The approach where we call spade to spade, and describe what kind of hardware is actually operative on the brain of people who engage in this kind off despicable behaviour? How about we stop lying to ourselves about what actually drives people's emotions? How about we stop pretending like religion is just something benign and that what people actually believe doesn't matter. Sure, we can look at all these mayans who are sacrificing people on altars to their bloodgod. But I happen to live in a predominantly Mayan neighbourhood where they just offer chickens and that doesn't really concern me, so I'm just going to pretend like, whenever somebody bashes their neighbours brains in for insulting the bloodgod on Tuesday, that has nothing to do with their religion. Because most of these mayan guys are actually decent people who don't believe that cutting someone's heart out will cause rain. Does this sound absurd? Yes, but that is exactly how you reason with respect to the predominant religions today.
You ARE or WERE attemping a victim thing lol.
Well, I'm actually wondering when we will be considered a victim group. We certainly do have all of the odds against us.
Except by no definition was I going racial on you lol. You grew up in Swedish culture no? You are culturally Swedish correct? You have joined in the mainstream there, which is defined by one ethnic group of very very very very lax Protestants with a distaste for religion. This sound right?
Yes you were. You were implying that I grew up in some kind off suburbia, surrounded by blonde kids with freckles and wrinkled my nose upon seeing anyone with black hair. But well, yes I am culturally swedish. Yes, I do have a distaste for religion. The same reason I would have a certain distaste for billions of people believing in Santa Claus and being willing to kill for their beliefs. but most swedes won't complain about religion unless it is waved in our face 24/7. I happen to have a somewhat different outlook on the question.
Ok so I've grasped that you think of yourself as belonging to the ubermensch of red pill having capital A Athiests. Who have studied every inch of the "enemy".
Which is why it particularly puzzles me that you don't have a nuanced view of any given religious scripture as a pieced together series of writings and hearsay that you find falliability in. The hand of humans no less.
Or maybe you do have this view of them. Which is where my amazement comes in that you think only you and your ilk (which I guess I don't count as) can have these scrutinies applied to them.
Well unfortunatly I happen to think that as long as the bible tells us to stone our daughters on our fathers doorsteps and the quran repeating ''YOU'RE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DONT BELIEVE THIS BORING ASS BOOK IS THE RESULT OF A PERFECT BEING'' I don't see any reason to look for nuances. Anyone who is dedicated to calling himself a christian or a muslim or whatever, must give me a sound rationale for labelling himself as such, in light of the scripture that gives the foundation for his faith.
Boy you sure are clueless as to the relationship between the Testaments huh. Or have never heard discussion of the former examples either. This is precisely what I meant by the above btw.
I've heard it before: ''because Jesus came, we don't have to behave like stoneage psychopats anymore'' it just so happens that this is completely unsquarable with the central notion of an omnipotent and all-good god. It's simply impossible. So spare me the biblical lecture: if we tore out half of the bible, it just might be considered a book of moral value.
How about you ask them. There are dozens if not hundreds of such people on this forum. Or google the discussions had. English results for gay marriage discussion should be explosively common at the moment due to the US, Australia, and UK all marching through the process right now. There are as many answers as people I'd say.
I asked how these sects came to this conclusion. Because from the point of view of their scripture it is completely impossible to rationalize homosexuality in any way whatsoever.
Or could it have something to do with religion constantly forever since the start being in evolution in any direction for endless reasons and never being a fixed thing even under the auspices of tyrannical theocracies. Including the scriptures themselves.
For better or worse I guess. But the scripture remains adamant, and I'm interested in undercutting this foundation. I am not much concerned with what ''Ahmed 47 year old, suicidal kebab shop owner who has never read the quran'' thinks. The scripture mainfest the religion, even if people change and try to square religion with their every day life.
I'm sorry can you retype that with blue font and the occasional yellow stars? Because otherwise this is the most goddamned European paragraph ever ahahahaha.
Protestant areas unreligious? A strong grouds for secularism and atheism? Yeah, maybe in your landmass boyo lolllll.
Yes, all Muslims will do this. All of them.
Good job! Now stop using it as a synonym for "Atheist". Or describing it like a giant protection net for atheists meant to control savage religious people.
Well what I said so obviously got over your head that I can only suggest you read the same comment again.
That literally doesn't mean anything.
It's an oxymoron that religious people tend to throw around to point out that not believing in god is no different from believing in him in terms of embracing dogma.
Oh is Norse Paganism off the hook from being a religion?
Well so long as that black guy is culturally familiar to you! But YE GADS if he isn't!
Yeah, only dreadheaded gangstas with gold teeth will do. Can't have no brothas with leopard skin around their waist walking around.