Hey guys! Some of you may know I am a martial arts student and teacher at the National Wushu Training Center in California. Today we had a special guest, Glen Levy, a man who has appeared on fight science for Discovery Channel many times.
I was his test dummy throughout the seminar and eventualy he taught us the hammer fist. Very similar to bruce lee's one inch punch. Except you aren't forced away, the entire impact just spreads through your body as it stays still. Absolutely devastating. Highest possible recording was 12,000 PSI befor the machines were destroyed by its power. A pro boxer's punch is 2,000 PSI, the difference is obviously huge.
Needless to say I felt it today, but only 1/16th of the power, though it happend about 2 hours ago from when I typed this, I am not kidding when I say I can still feel it now. There was an anitial strike, Ididnt go anywhere, and then all of a sudden it was as if cluster bombs went off inside my body. It was the most powerful thing I had ever felt in my life. As I stumbled to the floor, I tried to get up as soon as possible and jokingly say "was that your best shot" But man, I couldnt speak or move properly. It was incredible, I have never nearly lost my life befor, but I could only describe it as being shot, and dying.
I will post a video in the next day or two. My students and classmates told me it was scarey to watch. The anticipation alone was almost horrifying. But I had to justify his teachings, and feeling is believing.
Here is a video of my teacher Eric Chen, who took one the day before. Its on youtube now.
If that doesnt work just type in Hammer Fist Demo HD, and look for the guy on his knees on a blue carpet.
Tell me what you think guys I cant wait to show you my video. I havnt even seen it myself.
One final note, when Luffy took that finale Rokuou Gun from Lucci, thats what I could have imagined it felt like.
Here is my video