I own and have read the first 10 volumes of Soul Eater and….well, I like it all right, but for some reason I have trouble really getting into it. Maybe it's because I feel the story lacks focus, or maybe it's because I feel the humor and serious moments sometimes seem disjointed, thus making it hard for me to know what to feel or what's at stake, or maybe it's Okubo's artstyle, what with his hollow eyes and thin outlines.
In any case, I've stopped buying the volumes. Maybe I'll read through the rest of the series later, but right now there's other stuff I wanna read.
Now as for Soul Eater on Toonami? Yeha, that's cool. I'll watch it. Heck, maybe I'll like it better in animated form. It's bound to be better and do better than Tenchi GXP at any rate (I dropped that shit after only 4 episodes).