Back in early 2008, the Naruto threads filled with trolls and goblins, and the threads became dangerous, poison filled, and uninhabitable, with hatred and bile and flame wars and pure hate mongering. Naruto Thread III was closed, at 6,968 posts.
Naruto thread IV was then created shortly after, by a now banned member, without any permissions. It was then closed, 19 posts, and 22 minutes later. And later threads went a little crazy as well, each in their own ways.
It seems to me, not right, and not fair, that after having a string of successful and fun Naruto threads, for the enjoyment of all, that this perpetual meager 19 post taint on the record remains. Soo, before we move onto the shiny online graphics of Naruto XI, first, we must have a subquest, back to the SNES days of olde.
We're going back to that secret uncompleted bonus dungeon, that level that was too hard the first time, and we're going to finish it. We're going to fill up the Naruto IV thread. With actual talk of Naruto.
This is the redeemer round. And we're not moving onto part 11 until we clear this one and put it away on the shelf properly next to its brothers.
We're going to try to be on topic. Actually discuss Naruto regardless of its highs or lows. I think we can do it.
Now. Let's conquer this lost level.
Naruto Discussion IV
During the course of this thread, a rating system was created for Naruto chapters. Enjoy.