Some highlights. Translation's far from perfect, I'm sure, but I tried not to embellish anything, so you should be able to get the general idea:
@Tite Kubo's Twitter:
時々勘違いしてる子がいるから言っとこうかな。読者にあるのは作品の話を変える権利じゃない。その作品を読 むか読まないかを選択する権利だ。気に食わなければ読むのをやめればいい。
Sometimes some children get the wrong idea, so I guess I'll explain. It's not the reader's right to change the story of a work. Their only right is to choose whether or not to read it. If they can't stomach it, they should stop reading.
才能も無く、努力もせず、そのくせ与えられるものに不平を言って、努力する人間の足しか引っ張れないような 奴は、目を瞑ってどっか隅っこに挟まって、口だけ開けて雨と埃だけ食って辛うじて生きてろ。
Those without talent and who make no efforts, yet still complain about what they get and can only drag down those who do make efforts – they ought to just close their eyes, stick themselves in some corner, and open their mouths and eat only rain and dust and just barely survive.
もしBLEACHよりも面白いものが描ける才能があるなら、すぐに漫画家になるべきだ。面白ければ必ずBL EACHより成功する。絵が描けないと言うのなら、努力して編集者になって漫画家にアドバイスすべきだ。本 当に能力があれば、どこへ行っても歓迎される。
If you have the talent to draw something more interesting than BLEACH, you should become a manga artist right away. If it's interesting, it will definitely be more successful than BLEACH. And if you say you can't draw, then you should put the effort in, become an editor, and advise manga artists. If you really have the ability, you will be welcomed wherever you go.
And then, I saw the kid's tweet below, and it might have been shocking to normal Rukia fans (The kid below said, "I love Rukia and I hate Orihime".), but it didn't give me any bad impressions of Rukia fans, so please don't worry.
To Orihime fans and readers who nonchalantly enjoy BLEACH that unfortunately saw the abusive language when I retweeted it: I apologize. However, there is zero possibility that I'll change the way I draw to suit others, so please don't worry about it.
It doesn't matter if it's just one part or the whole work -- sucking up to the audience and then drawing manga is equal to putting all the burden on the audience. A work I wholeheartedly think is uninteresting but make others pay money for is a scam. That's what I think.