Anyone have a handy clip of the new Ace voice? Not the Wano one here that may or may not be Travis, but the one we last heard. I forgot he got recast briefly in the dub.
Posts made by Maron
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
It's just dumb, like yeah she's a great singer and her song sounds solid, but I really don't care about that in the context of the movie. This alone is why I'm gonna just catch the sub for now and see the dub later. Anyone that's gonna listen to Ado here and be so blown away that they'll be swept up into getting her album or whatever is someone that wouldn't be watching the dub in the first place.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Damn, Maron. I remember you posting back then. We’ve been here for a whiiiiile.
Ha for real man. Will never forget the feeling of reaching the end of Season 3 and not knowing what was going to happen next and all the discussion of that here. Still like to pop in here now and then to stay up to date on dub stuff of course. I know it's off-topic but congrats on the recent marriage too by the way! It's funny because I remember all the posts of your wife being mentioned as who you were showing the dub to with each release up to this point.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Wasn’t that after Alabasta with the Goat arc and Rainbow Mist and Chopper filler?
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I find it interesting how dedicated the dub cast is to using very Japanese pronunciations for words based on Japanese concepts. Samurai and Ninja, for example, are pronounced very deliberately as though they were speaking them in Japanese. It sounds a bit awkward in English, but I like the effort. Could also be a Toei mandate.
Yeah I remember that being the consensus folks arrived at speculatively when the dub came back under Toei. Felt very much like a small thing that came with the change in how the dub's produced and who's handling certain aspects.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I hope they are literally trying to catch up and then proceed to simuldub the episodes
Even if they are trying to do it in that way it’d still take like 3, maybe 2 years, best to just assume we’ll keep this pace up for now at most and remove simuldub hopes for the time being.
RE: New One Piece Movie: RED (6th August 2022) !!
Actually, seeing as how Strong World came out not too long after Brook joined, maybe Film Red will possibly give the indication of the crew structure by the time trailers release.
How so? Jinbe being there is a given because he’ll have been officially in the crew for quite some time in both the anime and manga but other than that there’s no way we’d see anyone else regardless of what Oda may or may not be planning.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Where do folks imagine we'll be in the series roughly by the time RED drops? Obviously WCI, but any estimates for episode numbers/Voyages by then?
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I'm not sure since Oda's emphasized the 5 year plan multiple times before either of those things happened.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Rager does an impersonation of Cole's Blackbeard, but that doesn't mean it'd be the best choice for him to also do Saul. Who knows but Stoddard is just so completely different that I don't see him being considered. That was just a different interpretation of the character from almost 15 years ago.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I’d almost wonder if they’d use Mark Stoddard since he voiced him briefly in the alabasta movie? Maybe Chris Rager since he plays Blackbeard now? It’s just hard to imagine what they’ll do for something so small.
i can promise you they wouldn't do that, that's not the voice people associate with the character. I doubt they'd even try to make Rager do it either. If anything they'll just get someone else to do an impersonation for those couple lines that's in the ballpark of Brown's performance and that's it. Nothing complicated, and far from the hardest casting situation due to death for both the dub and sub.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Yeah definitely an inconsistency, had the director of that episode done any early flashback stuff before? If not, that could've been their suggestion perhaps and she just went with it for that one line and they were happy.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Oh and also it’s just like one line but Colleen also sounds weird in the flashback. She’s also doing the too high thing she sounds like she’s trying to do 7 year old luffy.
Yeah this is definitely Colleen's impersonation of her own early rougher and higher-pitched Luffy voice from almost 15 years ago. It's interesting to hear in a way since it kinda shows how foreign that particular take on him is to her now all these years later.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Movie releases sounds more likely. Even if it's only one or two.
If it was just 1 or 2 movies being dubbed I don't think they'd even bother saying there's an announcement coming at Episode 1000 though. With Toei commissioning FUNi for dubs now I could easily see all movies just come out dubbed now like they have in other territories for years now. I feel even the Crunchyroll (?) stream of Movie 9 was a hint of this too.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Yearly or even every-other-year releases for movies became a thing of the past after Strong World. I wouldn't expect another film for at least a couple years.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I agree though, didn't really think about it cuz it feels like we're so close to episode 1000. Really makes me wonder how major it is.
I wonder if an announcement of all the unlicensed movies being dubbed together and released in a few bundles would be considered big enough of an announcement, but I could see it happening. Not as big as a simuldub but this type of thing feels fairly likely at this point.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
It's wild that his current seiyuu, who replaced the original due to his death a couple years ago, is 77. I hope he gets to make it to the end.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Btw, Brittany Lauda randomly retweeted the clip I posted of kid Law, so that might be her.
Oh she's awesome, worked with her on a project way back. Would be cool for her to be in a role like that in OP if that's the case. Kid Law sounds great too.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Do you have a time stamp by chance? Their episodes are like three hours long.
it was at 45:52, sounded good to me and like it could work for him. Never heard Kaido in Japanese though.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
His wife's said she was ok with people posting about it before the actor I linked did it at least, and I saw others doing it around that time too. Terrible to see. Brad was posting on Twitter as recently as earlier today/yesterday too.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
i was thinking of watching OP in English when I re-watch OP since it kind of feels like a new experience, but the dubbing is now on Punk Hazard? that's super behind!
To be fair it's actually at the very least in Dressrosa, but yeah the DVDs went on hiatus for over a year or so.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Thanks Blake! This'll be awesome to go through for sure.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Maybe some fans tweeted some stuff at him about it enough for him to know Sanji's family will come into play?
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Both are technically "put-on" since the actor was never near the age of the character.
He was at the beginning. Steven was 13 in the beginning of the series and Zach was likely 14, or 15 at the most when he did that part of the show. It was relieving to hear Zach do a voice closer to his natural one for Steven Universe Future though, but that's just me.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Oh wow, that's really cool. I'm still too far behind on the dub to have heard much of anything with Kin'emon but it's really cool that he's had such a long and full circle experience with FUNi.
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
I went to Walmart again, and still no Switch. (Or a PS4 for that matter.) I want to buy it at the retail price… bleh. Anyone know what other places I can get the console at a reasonable price? Thank you so much in advance! :happy:
…I bought mine new at the retail $300 price...
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
Odds are high that you won't just find one stocked as you're casually walking into a shop anytime soon. These are still commodities being sold both used and new by scalpers for exorbitant markups.
You could get one surprisingly quickly online if you give it a shot and turn your alerts/notifications on though. I got one within a couple hours of my first day "searching" for one online through Zoolert last month, and that was literally just me switching over to the Zoolert tab as soon as I heard the alarm and hitting the Buy Now button on Amazon. That's mainly because these shops are constantly getting new stock from Nintendo, like, multiple times a day listings go up even on the same site. Same with getting Ring Fit, though that time Wario64 beat Zoolert to the punch with his notification.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
! As Raizo is one of the Akazaya Nine, and was close to Oden, it would make sense that Raizo would know the true name of the island. He can clear this up with the Straw Hats in the dub, and English viewers who don't know any better (or have been living under a rock) can have an explanation as to why the name is suddenly different.
! True but that would also make you wonder why Crocus told the Straw Hats it was called Raftel the first time we ever heard about it, given that he was right there with Roger and Oden when it was named Laugh Tale, unlike even Raizo. Unfortunately there isn't a clean fix for it.
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
Tanabe talks about the new Paper Mario here.
“When continuing a game series, it’s much easier to carry over the basics from an existing game system rather than building new systems for each new installment,” says Kensuke Tanabe, producer at Nintendo. “But that’s not how you create new experiences or unexpected surprises. As a game designer, I want to deliver new experiences and surprises to our fans, so I always challenge myself to create something new. To be sure, I will sometimes use the same system in a subsequent game to further develop that system until I feel it has reached its full potential. But my goal is to continue to tackle new challenges as much as possible.”
“We never considered whether or not we should implement a party-based system like some other games,” Tanabe says. “As we worked on Paper Mario: The Origami King, we decided we could create more memorable moments if Olivia and the other characters team up with Mario along the way. In other words, we first determine what elements are needed in a game and then figure out how to implement and program them. Bobby, the Bob-omb, was the first character we decided to include, and from there we chose the characters that would be the best fit for the events in each stage of the game. Bowser Jr. was an exception. The director, Mr. Masahiko Nagaya, personally had strong feelings about including a storyline where a son sets out to save his father, so in this case, we decided to include the character before deciding exactly what we would have him do.”
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about some other stuff this month, and if not then in July (which doesn't sound great, buuut keeping expectations low). Thinking we could hear about the Mario remasters if true anytime in the next month and hopefully other things as well.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
When it comes to critique of Joel's directing, I literally associate you with being the first guy here to even be doing it lol
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
EDIT:What does "That coming from the guy who nit-picks performances and Joel’s directing, of course." mean? I mean I love you but this is a low blow.
Zephray was talking about himself there, not making a passive-aggressive jab at you
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I suppose when the dub is using terminology more closely to how it's been interpreted in the past (Kaizoku-Fansubs) than Funi's actual Japanese subs, I think it's a sign that they've got a great dub script.
This is something to be wary of too just in general. K-F had a good reputation but I wouldn't suggest putting their take on the translation on a pedestal. In the end like you say here it's simply an interpretation, and one that had made it's own controversial choices over the years they were active.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Yeah I understand that, and I'm probably being too harsh, they just seem a little too inaccurate that's all. I always thought 'Marine' was the official term and not 'Navy', even though the 4Kids dub and manga adaption use Navy. Also I get how 'chunky' and 'fat' are the same, generally, but why did 'old' get unmissed?
Are Funimation's translations generally accurate?
It's not really a question of being more accurate, as a 1:1 translation of something doesn't really exist. Try translating something from English to another language, and then back to English and see what you get.
I still don't get the Marine/Navy thing though. It seems, oddly enough given the fact that Marine is written in English all over the series, that it was actually an instance of 4Kids/VIZ using a term that was technically more accurate by translating Kaigun as Navy? And that FUNi used "Marine" in dub dialogue initially to appease core OP fans, but eventually moved back to using Navy only because it's the more accurate term??
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
That's how I feel at this point (and why I'm gonna jump back to Super Mario RPG for the first time now). I've seen people asking for one building on top of the Mario + Rabbids engine, which I feel could have potential. I also feel, despite only playing the Paper Mario RPGs prior, that I'd almost prefer a new series devoid of what's gone from a visual aesthetic with paper, to the franchise's entire identity.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I don't see how it's any more raspy than mayumi tanakas luffy, also could you maybe show me a clip I've never heard her
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
First that came to mind was Laura Bailey's Shin-chan voice. But yeah in my experience too for dubbed stuff women tend to do a lot of raspy voices for young boys. I guess for an example on the Japanese side of that type of thing maybe Masako Nozawa's Goku would count?
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
We will because each of these now trilogy of nu-Paper Mario games have been marginally better than the last. So just give it another 20 years and we'll get a TTYD-style followup.
I suppose in the meantime, there's
? Haven't tried it yet but very open to now. Also gonna go back and actually play Super Mario RPG. Very weird it's not on NSO already though. -
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I'm shocked it took someone this long to realize Bob Dead is Roman Mack.
I was literally gonna make a joke on it when I saw the first post of his in the thread and just decided nahh
Looks like I totally missed the callout and fallout this time!
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Huh, wasn't expecting to see the eyecatches cut, though I guess it's in the name of binging quicker. But they were always just a few seconds long anyway…
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
So I just finished watching Stampede I was gonna wait but after bringing the first Voyage i felt like it went by too quick lol So I decided to check it out tand boy that movie was very action packed and also a lil emotional seeing Usopp try to be Luffy's right hand man. As for the new voices, Blackbeard's throw me off cause he sounded like Arlong but Chris Rager kept it pretty close to Cole's take so no complaints from me there. I think Johnny makes a decent Sabo he gelled in there so I can't wait to see how he does in Dressrosa. Sengoku also threw me off I forgot his VA was replaced too. Ed Baylock's performance is hard to top but Philip Weber did decently
Colleen I have to give kudos to her cause I'm sure her vocal chords have been through it playing Luffy but she amazed me with her performance here and I like how she's deepening her voice to add some maturity to his character. All.and all I enjoyed the movie it was very tense.I feel this was Colleen's best overall performance in any one "piece" of One Piece if that makes sense. Like as far as individual movies or episodes go I felt her Luffy here was A+ (I felt like this in general with the cast, very strong here for such a blowout of an anniversary film) and was so grateful I got to catch it in my local theater. Still need to buy the movie though.
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
Any news about the shortages about the Switch? I want to get one, but seems recently it's hard to get the system, so I was just curious if anything changed.
Nothing seems to have changed yet from when i posted about it a couple posts before yours. but i did manage to order one for myself that same day at retail from amazon and have had it for over a week now. I joined a couple Switch search discords that day, including the scalper Bird Bot one, because these people post listings as soon as they're up, and I followed Wario64 on Twitter with push notifs on.
but in the end what got me the Switch a couple hours later after starting the search was Zoolert, which, after setting the alarm, alerted me of one available on Amazon that I got to snatch up in just a couple seconds with the Buy Now button. But you gotta be quick, it was only up for 30 seconds. this was also right before the discords I was on and wario64 posted the same link. Nintendo's continuously making more and more Switches and many of these retailers are restocking multiple times a day though, so that helps your odds too.
Apparently a Persona 6 rumor floating around. I never even heard of this expo until now so idk if this has any credence.
I'm very curious about p5 but it seems like there's little to no chance of it hitting the Switch so I dunno if i'll get to try it
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
One reason I really want the dub to speed up is so the older voice actors not to be recast. We already lost Ed Blaylock and Cole Brown, it would be heart breaking for that to continously happen. The biggest fear I have is Pam Dougherty retiring or dying, she is so great as big mom but shes already 70. I can't imagine her getting through it all at this rate.
i mean, that's gonna happen regardless. in fact for sengoku both the dub and sub VAs got replaced at the same point in the series due to death of the original actors. it's not like the original is done and we're just waiting for the dub cast to complete it. plenty of the japanese voice actors there have passed away too.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
We have no idea yet. Guess we'll find out if Hands Up! remains intact in Voyage 2(?).
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
They’re around 600 episodes into the series dub. I’m not sure what’s tripping you guys up.
Huh? I'm not confused, I was just saying why he said it. In the first couple seconds of hearing that it threw me off a bit but then I understood. I wouldn't expect anyone but Mike to be super up to date on the current episode count in Japan.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion IV (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Yeah I didn't know what to make of that. I assumed he just meant the episode count of the series when Punk Hazard was originally produced which would make sense because those were the first episode counts he was likely seeing when he was getting involved with the title.
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
Anyone else here stuck in this Switch scalper mess? I got burnt getting a Wii U at launch with how that whole story turned out and it just so happened that the time I felt I wanted to get a Switch was right when this extreme shortage happened. I'm pouring over some YouTube videos, Discord and the like but it's wild how sought after it is right now.
RE: The New Nintendo Thread™
We were lucky to even get the Star Spirits in Mario Party 5 I guess… I feel you though, with later MP and MK games in particular it can really feel like Nintendo's starved for new characters to add, so I've wondered why they haven't done that myself. It'd be such an easy way to add new characters that'd be embraced much more than say Rose Gold Baby Peach or whatever.