So I remembered we had a long discussion about bounties after Whole Cake and wanted to discuss bounties going forward after Wano. Not just talking about numbers though, I'd like insight from others as to how Oda would use these numbers to "balance" the rest of the series. Maybe it's not an issue it at all but this is a topic thats really interesting to me beyond the raw numbers.
This is like the 4th time I've tried to bring up this topic around the internet since Arlong Park went down. Please lets talk about it! I'm lonely.
So where do you all expect Straw Hat bounties to end up after all this? For reference I've included known bounties of the bigger enemies who are actually present in the arc as well as Shanks and Black Beard. Should Kaidou and Big Mom go down does Luffy get a bounty bigger than Teach and Shanks? Do Luffy's biggest fighters cross into the billions club just yet? Are you all ready for Nami and Chopper to cross into the hundreds of millions?
Big Mom - 4,388,000,000.B
Kaido - 4,611,100,000.B
Smoothie - 932,000,000.B
Jack - 1,000,000,000.B
Queen - 1,320,000,000.B
Perospero - 700,000,000.B
Oven - 300,000,000.B
Daifuku - 300,000,000.B
Hawkins - 320,000,000.B
Drake - 222,000,000.B(as of 2 years ago)
Mont'dor - 120,000,000.B
Black Beard - 2,247,600,000.B
Shanks - 4,048,900,000.B
Ace - 550,000,000.B
With the team ups going on I don't think Luffy will get a bounty bigger than Kaido's or Linlin's. Well maybe thats not necessarily true. What ever the result of the war is I think Luffy needs to stay under Teach's bounty just for the sake of being an underdog in the future. Teach stated he was going to go after something that he didn't want the Government to get so maybe that confrontation rockets him even higher beyond his 2 billion bounty. At the same time if both Emperors are out right defeated and Luffy is the key reason for it how do you not justify a 4Billion+ bounty?
I'm also trying to keep in mind Roger's bounty of 5,564,800.000.B. This seems to be the ceiling in which Luffy will reach and surpass as the Pirate King probably reaching that golden 5,600,000,000.B for gomu pun. I can only imagine this happening after Raftel. Maybe it goes even higher once the world is saved. Of course at that point Luffy is a hero, does the bounty get raised???
I guess I'm trying to think of a way for the characters to feel like they could increase 1 or 2 more logical bumps before Laugh Tale. The Commanders of Emperor crews we have now are like the peak of what subordinates get as far as we can tell. I mean even Queen is less than a Billion away from Teach. Someone help me imagine a scenario where Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei defeat someone commander level and don't end up with a billion+ bounty. I feel like a number like that would be too soon if a few more increases happen before the confrontation with Teach. That's just my feeling. I certainly was blown away by 1.5billion after Katakuri and the Whole Cake adventure.
Though now that I think about it, Shank's crew was referred to as being the most well rounded. What if his top guys are closer to the 2 billion range and Teach's top guys end up being up there as well? In that case I could see Zoro beating a 1.4 billion King and ending up with 1.5 billion himself. Or does each Straw Hat get some sort of aid that has them end up with a bounty a little less than their enemies?
Franky, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Usopp and Robin are in really comfortable positions to all end up with bounties in the hundreds of millions. And I say this because of all the Ovens and Hawkinses running around. Of course this is all depending on the worth of their enemies or contributions to the over all fight. Of course gags and puns should be taken into account cause One Piece always gonna One Piece.
And finally I'm taking into account that most every major event of this battle will be known to the government and marines because of CP0 being present.
Here are some bull ship numbers, no puns sorry. And please these aren't my hard numbered guesses. I'm just trying to get discussion going.
Luffy - 3.5 Billion
Zoro - 1.5 Billion
Sanji - 1.4 Billion
Jimbie - 1 Billion
Usopp - 500 Million
Robin - 430 Million
Franky - 400 Million
Brook - 370 Million
Nami - 200 Million
Chopper - 150 Million
I don't know, it's just fun to imagine. What do you all think?