And what's wrong with having all that stuff already in the game? I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Both sides have arguments but we're not hearing each other.
Your argument: DLC content is fine.
My argument: Why DLC? Why can't the developers already put that stuff in the game before it's released.
Your argument: If I like a game I'll pay for the DLC.
My argument: So there's nothing wrong with paying more than $60 for one game?
Now I could be wrong, but I don't recall paying for anything AFTER I brought the game during the 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 128-bit (cause no one actually bought an N64 really), and even during the early part of the current console generation. After year one however developers started boning us.
Like it or not, DLC is necessary for some games. Yes, 8-128 bit games didn't have DLC, but at the same time, the concept of used games wasn't all that frequent. Nowadays, people don't have to directly pay Capcom for their game. People can wait until the game is used or buy the game from someone else, and half the time, that method is cheaper. With games being bought used, sometimes companies don't make money.
Yes, it sucks and is completely crude of them to have the content already on the disc, and for you to purchase those additional characters purely because they won't you play them otherwise. However, it's barely different to any other case of DLC. Most DLC is already being worked on by the time the game is already finished, before the game is released. A lot of DLC could easily be added before the game is made, and they DON'T put it on the disc, but they release it shortly after the game comes out.
Sure, you may think it's unfair, but:
-You don't have to buy another whole game. In the past (cause the past was so glorious and perfect), we'd have to buy a whole new game for not only new characters, but patches to the game. Patches! We fucking get patches for free now!
-This allows game companies to actually make money. Ever notice that nowadays, games sometimes come with benefits inside the box when you buy it completely fresh and new? Like free DLC that comes with the purchase or maybe a month of free XBox Live service? Those are benefits for people who buy the game fresh, and not used. Cause when games are bought 'used', game companies don't make money. I'm sure you're going to say that's 'greedy', but…no....that's business. Welcome to reality.
I will remain pissed off over UMvC3, because that game had NO EXCUSE to exist. Zero. It made a $60 game that I bought completely worthless, and forced me to pay $40 dollars for me to have 12 characters (2 of which are characters I actually wanted). I'm sure you all will say, "But Insider, you weren't forced!" Yes. Yes I was. Like I said, MvC3 became OBSOLETE! Fewer people played it, and honestly, I wanted to keep up with my friends in the different games we were all playing.
UMvC3, I do not tolerate, and I regret buying it completely. I wish I could take it back.
I've enjoyed SFxT, and so far, there is no real reason to make a 'Super Street Fighter x Tekken'. There are no characters that NEED to be in this game that we have to make another whole game. If we need a follow up game to this, it will be TxSF. If they do make SSFxT, I won't buy it.
But if they're going to give me inexpensive options to add to my game....I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to complain because I don't have to wait 10 months to buy another $40 dollar game that I already have that will have characters that I want. I can enjoy the game to my leisure, and if I get tired of the game before the DLC comes out, I don't have to get it.