Bevin - It's become an inconvienent habit to say no offense prior to a post like that, whatever, I'll attempt to stop. If you were to go back and read your post, it seemed fairly apparant to me that you were implying that labeling yourself as a liberal or conservative means you are a democrat or a liberal. Thus you refuse to label yourself. Reading your post again, it definately seems like you have refused to label yourself, but then come back and say everyone is a liberal, conservative, moderate, etc. Well then, that leads me to another misunderstanding, why is it that you refuse to label yourself when you know that you are something. Denying a part of who you are doesn't seem like a wise choice to me. And yes, I'm probably just an inexperienced punk who hasn't seen the light like you jolly good grown ups, but I hope I know at least a thing or two about being who you really are.
I pretty much agree completely with your 3rd paragraph, that's just one of the deeper points that I did not mention because I was in more a rant mood, and failed to think it through completely. However, you go on to say that you do not understand why the debates are there or why it's so difficult to make that decision. I don't get what there is to not understand, in a government like ours that encourages multiple viewpoints, that is to be expected. In general, humans are selfish and want things to go their way. It pretty much boils down to your own personal beliefs and ethnics, and since we are such a freaking melting pot, we have many different beliefs. I suppose your question probably has some deeper meaning to it, as did your first post apparantly.
Zephos - From what I have gathered in my short and apparantly inexperienced life, people who have no care for politics but want to vote will vote for the independant. No where did I say moderates did not have stances, and did not have issues. I also did not say they were conservative, and I did not say they were a party. You should be one to take your own advice, less you look like a fool bashing a "kid."
Captain Kuro - Why is it dumb?
"Wow, I hate politicians, so I won't take a stance on issues that might affect the country, me included. My girlfriend might need an abortion since she gets raped, but I refuse to take a stance on that issues because politicians are dumb."
"Wow, I hate the media, so I refuse to watch anything to do with the news, I wish to isolate myself from the world."
"Wow, I hate cops, I think I'll become a deliquent and rob a bank or four."
"Wow, I hate janitors, I'll refuse to go anywhere that requires janitors to work at."
The point is, I believed that it's fairly apparant as to why it is a dumb reason. Just because you refuse to take a stance doesn't mean the problem will go away, life's not that simple. Going with "it doesn't matter, my vote doesn't count anyways" is another stupid mindset. If everyone thought that, this country wouldn't be able to continue. Then you go on to say that you will leave it to the people who know whats going on. THe freaking politicians? The guys that you can't stand? What's this? Hypocracy? Whatever, you go ahead and trust those guys. We get great policies like no child left behind or the PATRIOTACT. Good stuff man, maybe if everyone thinks like you for 50 years, we won't have anymore liberties! Yayyyy!
"I never complain about how the country is run." Pardon me, but you said you can't stand politicans, who run the country. But you never complain. Sweet, do you know what a politcians is?
No, what I said isn't a revolutionary idea. But you would be completely surprised at the amount of people who believe that. And by saying that, I feel as if I have shutup some unnecessary posts.
Overall, I believe you are correct in saying that people like you annoy me the most. It also greatly annoyed me that people jumped on Bevin's bandwagon after her post, it makes me wonder if any of you actually read it considering at least one of the posts contradicts what she said. Is this brown nosing, or do you truly agree with her points. I will argue this all day, everyone is a conservative, or liberal, or moderate, whatever, and refusing to admit it is denying a part of who you are. I'll be damned to find someone who is informed on every issue out there(you know, the apparant thousands of issues) that is completely confused and doesn't know which side to sway to. Being indecisive is something I cannot say I am, it seems far too slow for me.