I think that Sony deserves criticism. Because it is a bleak launch.
But….blaming people getting their jaw busted or shot on Sony?
Spare me.
EDIT: This is not in response to the general vibe I'm getting here. I mean other places. cough GAF cough
We're seeing a highly calculated launch from Nintendo with the best launch game EVER made.
Because the launch game was designed for a system that the company had already familiarized itself with.
"No that's unfair! Sony could have made a game for PS3 using PS2 power."
Sure, they could have.
I mean, couldn't Okami have been saved for the PS3 launch? Sure.
But they didn't and it wasn't. The game is a HIGHLY-tuned Game Cube game. I think no one among us will dare say that it will without a doubt be anything less than the greatest Game Cube game ever conceived….with a very cool way to control it on a new system.
If Sony even dared to pull that they'd be torn apart.
THAT SAID, again, yes, launches mean little in the long run. But not that Sony hasn't made a number of snafus that they're currently paying the (minimal) price for.
But they simply don't deserve the wrath thats being hurled down upon them like so much fire and brimstone. Nintendo is just managing to have put together a highly calculated and what dares to be the most successful video game launch in a long while. Sony hasn't.
In the end of this system life-cycle the vast majority of those reading this will be bumming their friend's units or buying the PS3 Slim for 200 bucks. So...yeah. teh h8t just isn't really necessary. They've had a very successful unsuccessful launch.
They're selling units, what few there are.
I continue to desire games coming out for the system in the long-run and I don't have a small enough penis to desire a hunk of black plastic just to say I got it at launch.