ACCA 13**: Taking a shot here. The premise sounds interesting, and I do usually enjoy Madhouse; however, I'll give it 3-5 episodes before deciding to keep or drop the show. Some character designs are off putting, but this opinion of solely based upon the trailer. I loved A-1 pictures Joker Game and I love Psycho Pass, so I'll keep with my crime/police theme.
Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga: While I have not read the manga or seen the previous anime, I am interested in Blue Exorcist. I will have a look at the previous anime and maybe even the film, but hopefully I can go a little blind into this series in case I don't catch up before the show airs. Any summaries or opinions are always welcome.
Chain Chronicle: The Light of Hekuseitasu: Looks pretty, but I don't recognize the studio and after doing a little bit of reserach I found out that the show is based off of a smartphone game. After finding out about the connection to a smartphone game I'm hesitant and worried, but it could surprise me. This show looks like it wants to be large scale battles and intense drama, but I might only watch it for the battles in the end.
Tales of Zestiria: Liked the first season, and ufotable makes visually appealing shows.
Little Witch Academia: I have no shame in hoping of the Little Witch Academia train.
That's it. There are a couple films I'd like to see (mainly One Piece GOLD) but I'll have to wait for most to be released on DVD/Blu-ray later this year.
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