deep breath
Okay, I wasn't expecting this C: I mean, I never look into games I want to try, just see some pictures, and that's it. So I usually let it surprise me.
Oh boy, did this game me a gigantic surprise~
Where should I begin? It's one of those games that makes me sit down and think. Should I continue? Should I try again?
And of course, the answer isn't anywhere near sigh D: Let me explain…
First of all, I love the unique feel of it so far. Dark and lonely. However, I'm a little sad about my enemies being undead (as of now), because I was never fond of them to be honest. Although I do find it interesting how our dear character is one of them as well. Won't boost his charisma, that's for sure It really differs from other rpgs, that I can tell by a few hours of playing it. The controls and the fighting system (close-range) are absolutely great in my opinion. After Divinity, it's a welcome change to actually "feel" the movement in my fingers. Reminds me of Soul Calibur a little: every little inch counts.
Now here's the part you've been expecting probably…
The difficulty C:
Again, it is very welcome if a game poses a real challenge instead of being like Fable 3 in which I couldn't even die once despite playing as careless as possible. I honestly like being a little frustrated and thinking through the situation to come with a strategy and such. Makes me feel like I'm really in the game and have to use my head before rushing to a boss.
However, there are limits to my abilities. What I mean with this is... I've never been that hardcore of a player, and I'm....
Okay, I cut the crap, this game is damned hard and it got me a tiny bit too frustrated D: Of course I chilled down pretty easily, had a nice meal, read some reviews, some tips etc. Tried again, went to a different place (from Undead burg to down below and than to that cemetery which was also quite close to where the giant crow left me). Now I'm thinking if I should really continue. On one hand, I know this is a pretty neat game with a strange but good aura around it. On the other, it might be too difficult to me and it might not be for me. What I mean with that last thing is, that my favourite games have one thing in common: a special feeling that makes me go on even when I encounter a big obstacle and makes me want to replay it even after deeming it "bad" (<- happened a couple of times. Now I love those games with all my hear~). As of now, Dark Souls has yet to give me such feeling. I'll try again of course, but if I find out that it's more about being challenging (or rather, very hard) e.g. the purpose being killing enemies all over the place and beating bosses, than I think I'll drop it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, time to grab the controller and try again.
EDIT: due to some reasons, I'll have to start over this game (hit the wrong guy out of curiosity, and it screwed things up C:), but I'll wait with it till my exams are over. This game needs much time. Very much.