Maybe I didn't get the 'aha, that's clever' moment spontaneously.
But to say I learnt nothing is complete crap.
Funny this should remind me of your insistence that Rurouni Kenshin was educational.
Except this time you're not even talking about a time period you're learning little to nothing about.
You're learning about a corny pun that will never ever have any application elsewhere anywhere at anytime.
You ain't learned shit.
There was absolutly no need for Viz to just steam-roll through the 'Japaneseiness'.
Here's a good reason, because "Japaneseniess" has absolutely jackshit to do with the scenario, the original joke is completely lost in translation, and so is the actual title one reads through the pun "Sniper King".
So basically what you're advocating is rejecting both the original Japanese pun (since we don't get it regardless) and the actual title underneath the pun (since no English speaker will be reading Sniper King from that), and instead opting for something sounding Japanese.
Which is actually completely fucking not the purpose in the original Japanese where, y'know, the pun was just a casual joke unencumbered by moronic weeaboo orientialism.
I've seen several other translated series where they go out of their way to explain references and puns.
Depending on the level of reference, sure.
Going out of the way to explain puns so that you randomly leave in untranslated gibberish requiring a glossary is just fucking stupid and the antithesis of the inherently doofy throwaway joke that puns generally are.
Personally I enjoy learning the quirks of other languages.
Than take a goddamn language class.
And if you want to actually know anything about Early Japanese Industrialization and Modernization, don't read Rurouni Kenshin either.