I think I'm among the minority on this one, but I actually liked Yubashiri. But alas, it's broken, not much more I can say on the matter. Though if Zoro does pick up Funkfreed, it would actually make sense. I mean, he rode around on a king bull, he shows a new technique in Gorilla Giri (I think I spelled that right), he takes a sword to a giraffe (Yes I know it's Kaku, but work with me on this one). If he takes that from Spandam, it would be like he went through Animal Kingdom in this arc or something.
Besides, if he takes Funkfreed, it wouldn't be like he would instantly master it anyway. It's "technically", on a very loose term of the word, a living being. Besides that, it was used to having Spanda as a master, and if Zoro just up and took it, I would think it would be hesitant towards him, like any animal with a new owner would be.
On that sense, I can also see the SH's keeping the escape ship, after it's upgraded a little by Franky & what's left of Galley-La. Y'know, tidy it up a bit, have Ussop redraw the flag on the sails, make it feel like their ship. Besides, Funkfreed's an elephant, it's bound to take up space, right?
I'm not saying this will happen, just trying to make it seem possible (even as slight as it may be).