I'm not a huge fan of seafood, but I do love salmon, eel and sushi. I HATE shrimp and for some reason crab makes me sick. I've never tried lobster, I've heard mixed opinions, maybe someday I'll try it.
Catfish is good, depending on how its made, red snapper isn't too bad either. And of course, I'll eat tuna.
Crimsondreamer tried giving me dried squid…. it left a bad taste in my mouth, i didn't quite like it. I have eaten octopus once apparently, and I didn't know until it was in my mouth, lol! It was mixed in with some other fish on a sushi plate, and i picked it up mainly cuz it had avocado and i think fatty tuna in it. Oh, fatty tuna sushi and eel with that sweet sauce is the best ever!
Can't stand oysters at all, it feels like a giant snot going down my throat, it was awful XD
Not sure if I'd try calamari, I hear its good... though I think I'd stay away from dolphin, shark, whale, jellyfish.... eesh. i think the texture would probably turn me off from those kinds of seafood.