Umm guys, seriously? Wait for what? I mean yes it'd be a good advice to give to a guy who's considering what he feels towards his old crush IF he weren't in a relationship. But he is.
You need to tell this to your girlfriend, maybe not about feelings for another girl, but about doubts for sure, take a break and make a decision.
Now about that…decision itself. Your approach isn't the rightest one, imo.@Bond:
Now, my current girlfriend is a nice girl, and she's totally innocent, but we don't communicate very well and have next to no common interests. On the other hand, after my crush started chatting with me, we could chat for hours every night. Maybe it's just because it's been a long time and we have s lot of things to catch up on. I dunno.But either way, I feel more comfortable being myself with my crush than I do with my girlfriend.
Firstly this. There is no "on the other hand". You shouldn't draw comparisons. Yes you saw your current relationship's flaws because of the new one. But that's not how it works. You can't be like "if it works with my crush I'll leave my girlfriend, if it doesn't, I'll stay". You need to judge your relationship for how it is without involving someone else. You need to think how content it makes you feel, how yourself you are, etc. However, the fact that you actively started thinking about someone else and what you described above shows your lack of commitment and satisfaction already, imho. But that's up to you to judge.
Basically what I am saying is, think about your current relationship first, consider it's pros/cons and the way it makes you feel and decide to break up or not. Make a choice without any guarantees, the choice you'll stay with despite things working out or not with your crush.
I don't get why everyone is so afraid of being single. Love is not the race and being with someone you are not happy with harms you and slows your development far more than being single would.
I'm thinking of breaking up with her, but…she's also in love with me and keeps trying to pull me back.
Stop right there. Her being in love with you is not the reason to stay with her. The fact that she loves you makes it more sensible to spare her from pain if you don't love her.
Also, are you honest with your girlfriend? Does she know about all this?
In my book relationships are built on trust and honesty. It's a respectful behaviour to tell your girlfriend about having doubts and everything. It will hurt her yes but what are you gonna do if you decide you don't wanna get together with the other girl? Go to your girlfriend like nothing happened? I know many many many people don't care about transparency in relationships, but I don't consider it right. Doesn't she sense something's not right already? I sure feel slightest things all the time, for example.
Also sorry for harsh straightforwardness. But developing feelings for someone else while in a relationship (especially if you haven't told her) and expressing it with that someone too is straight out cheating.
My crush knows this and is afraid to confirm her feelings because she didn't want my girlfriend to be hurt. But she also feels heartbroken when I talk about my girlfriend, so I really want to just get together with her….What should I do?
Again, stop thinking about two things at the same time. You went too deep in this already. Decide about and handle your current relationship first. Then think whether you want to get together with that one, she won't run if she's really into you, she'll understand that you need space. If not, then she's not worth it. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship.
Also breaking up with someone without thinking it through, rushing and running off with someone else is not an ok behaviour. It's immature and might harm everyone involved.
Anyway, take caution and best of luck. Treat your girlfriend with respect. You are right about her deserving someone who loves her, by the way. No matter how much she loves you and pulls you back. If you REALLY don't feel the same, it's better to end it now then later.