All this arguing is so idiotic and unnecessary!
Jinbe hasn't joined and Kinemons DFs nature has not been revealed yet. Until the point that those matters get confirmed by Oda everyone is on the same level of correctness.
And what's with all the Jinbe-Joining supporters yelling "haters! haters!" and the Jibe-not-Joining supporters yelling "fanboys! fanboys!" at every argument about Jinbe joining or not?
@The Jinbe-Joining supporters; Because people argument against JJ(Jibe-Joining) doesn't mean they all hate him! They may like him but not as a main character and more like a ally like Vivi.
@The Jimbe-Not-Joining supporters; Again because people argue in favor of JJ doesn't make them "crazy fanboys"! It's all like they think that Jimbe would actually make a good main character.
But as you guys already knew all of that I will let you go back to your pointless arguments.