Took me two years to figure out that you were supposed to use Pegasus units against mages.
Untill then I thought Fiona was useless too.
If you're saying that Fiona is a pegasus knight, I think you're confusing her with Fiora.
This is Fiora:
She was a Pegasus Knight in Fire Emblem: Sealing Swords (US's first Fire Emblem game, on the GBA. The one with Eliwood, of course). Even against normal enemies, she was actually pretty kick ass. Could easily be my favorite Pegasus Knight, if not for Marcia and Shiida.
Fiona, on the other hand:
She was deemed a completely useless unit by most players, with good reason. She was in Radiant Dawn, and she joins your party as a level 8 cavalier while your taking care of Micaiah's team (at team that, when she joins, is already nearly ready for promotion but are majorly crappy, save for Jill, Ilyana, and Zihark). For a cavalier, she couldn't take a hit, let alone deliver a punch, which is horrible for a cavalier (who is meant to do both).
I guess I played with her once for messing around with supports, but for the rest of the time I didn't care about her because florina and farina were just superior in every way.
Marcus, however, you're actually forced to carry around for more than one chapter, which is probably why I hated him much more.
Yeah, like above, Fiora vs Fiona. Really confusing, I'm sorry. The pegasus knights of Fire Emblem 7 were all pretty kick ass, actually.
Marcus, while seemingly useless, can actually serve has a great wall or shield during Eliwood's first chapters.
I literally almost let her die on my second playthrough.
She serves no practical purpose what so ever.
A lot of people say Meg is worse…
But I know far more people who've managed to do good with her than Fiona. Meanwhile, Meg is actually a funny and interesting character, while Fiona is just…..a random lady fighting for her country.
Wait- people hated Ike because of his ending? I blame the writers for that. I hope there will be a sequel for Tellius series, just so we could see him actually find a new continent that was supposed to be flooded and I actually am more hopeful after seeing Marth in the game…
Personally Ike is my favourite hero/lord of the whole series, and I actually liked him more in RD, believe it or not, I guess cause he contrasted Micaiah and Geffory in a good way (I especially couldn't stand the former, if it wasn't for Sothe and the BK I would have rage quitted long ago lol).
But Ike, Nephanee, Zihark and Haar were always competing for MVP for my endgame. They're just too epic! Oh and Rolf and Soren would come close too.
I also really like Innes, he was the only usable archer in that game and I really liked the pairing of him and Erika. (screw you Seth, you experience hog) Its always been Ephraim-L'Archal and Innes-Erika and Joshua-Natasha for me.
Oh and Lute was a monster in ALL of my playthroughs.
Oh I really really hope they keep Ike in the next Smash Bros, and please not ruin him by making him slower. But I agree that Ephraim will be very interesting to use in the next game cuase of his lance.
Some people (myself included to some extent) hated Ike for his actions in the ending. I don't hate him now, because….really, I had to remember and realize that Ike was awesome save for that moment. It was really crude for Ike to do, and yeah, the writers are to blame, but still...
I actually managed to get a Top 5 in Radiant Dawn that didn't include Ike.
5. Rolf (love him)
4. Ilyana (love her)
3. Mia (love her in RD, meh in PoR)
2. Kieran (adore him)
1. Nephenee (.....come on....)
And Lute was the best mage of FE8, save for arguably Ewan (Mr. Even Though I'm A Shaman/Druid, I Can Fucking Outspeed And Outskill Even The Fastest Of Enemies).