Keeping people updated, the CNE (Electoral Council) agreed for an audit for 46% of the tables.
The day of the election the witnesess and participating citizens have the right to audit a 54% of the tables, the distribution is:
All Tables from 1 and 2 table centers
2 Tables from centers with 3 to 5 tables
and so forth, after 10 tables, they only audit 5 of them
This is acomplished talling the 3 factors of the election, the Notebook, that has the total number of voters by table when you vote you sign it and place your tumb print, the box, that has all the balots, and the machine's recipt, that prints at the end of the day and is the same data that's sent to the CNE, when those 3 tallies match, under the eyes of men and gods, then there's a guarantee that the table is clean.
What's the issue with this mechanism, getting the other 46 with the 54 that is already there shouldn't give the 100%? Not exactly.
1.- There are centers in those 54 that weren't audited, or that were but without witnesess from the Capriles camp
2.- The centers from where the new boxes come, are from big centers, big centers means cities, where Capriles already won
3.- There's a lot of time left to try and alter a bunch of stuff, because the revision is going to be allong a whole month
4.- They didn't specify exactly what the audit entails, if it isn't the whole 3 part revision, then it could be tampered (planted boxes, with an easy to print recipt and no notebook for example)
5.- The 54 audit on the day, it's done by the people who has already expended their sunday in the long and arduous process of the election, that's explaining from about 300 to 600 people how to vote, mantaining order, not moving from their post, eating shitty food, going to the bathroom in a flash, many of the places are going to be unconfortably hot, and the whole process goes from 5 am to 6pm, and then go and do the audit? They cut corners, almost no one (myself included, sadly) either isn't aware of the extent of the audit, or cuts corners whenever they can, so I (and a lot of other witnesess) don't count the book.
6.- The worst point of them: the other side of 2, if Capriles won on the big centers, then maduro had to win in the small ones, those with 1 or 2 tables, those who are supposedly already audited, and so, won't be checked again. The irregularities should be in those votes.