Elaborating a bit on an earlier theory, I think much of the end game in Toriko has already been revealed - you just have to connect the dots.
Fact: Nitro know how to obtain GOD.
Fact: Nitro long predate humanity in the Torikoverse.
Fact: Technology in the Torikoverse allows for the creation of artificial species.
Fact: Nitro created civilizations with large human populations.
Fact: Nitro created recipes that involve humans as ingredients.
Theory (on the above): The Nitro cultivated and created the current humanity in the Torikoverse. They went as far as to keep vast stocks of humanity around them by creating large habitats for them to dwell in (ancient nitro civilizations). Therefore, it stands to reason that the Nitro selectively bred humans because they contain a raw ingredient vital for the creation of GOD.
Considering the above, Komatsu's inevitable role in the series becomes clear. Komatsu is starting to build up a reputation as being a chef who finds ways to break existing food laws. He's already shown it in a few notable areas, such as:
Making Disappearance Cuisine's dishes edible by average people.
Making Medicinal Mochi craftable by chefs without top level skill.
Komatsu's final feat in the series (considering all of the above) seems easy to predict: Creating GOD without sacrificing any human life. To draw a comparison to FMA, GOD is basically the Philosopher's Stone. Except unlike FMA in where the protagonists dropped the stone as their goal once finding out the grim reality, Toriko and Komatsu will figure out a way to achieve their goal by finding an alternate path.