Gratz to Mrs. Iceburg and Trapped for winning AND playing. Lynching on Day 3 wasn't good for the Town and I really wanted to see if Iceburg could trick the Town. Iceburg VS Harvady would've been fun.
MVP to Trapped for staying off my radar.
Yay! That wasn't all so difficult as initially anticipated. Thanks Bo for hosting and thanks to the other players too.
Though I have to say, I'm really disappointed in the lurking players. If you sign up, you play, and if you can't, you don't.
This game always runs in function of how many people signed up, so if 7 people sign up but only 4 actually participate, the whole game gets stunted, and frankly, ruined for those who do want to play. It's disrespectful towards the mod who calculates the setup on the number of players, and puts time into sending out PM's and dividing roles. It sucks for other players who want to play, but get very little to work with because of inactivity of other players. I imagine it particularly sucks for active players who get killed/lynched early on, and then have to sit back and watch as activity drops close to zero in the game they would have liked to keep playing.
I understand that IRL stuff can come in between, and that that's obviously more important than an online game. But next time when you sign up, think about whether or not you will actually be able to take out a bunch of free time to show up and participate. That is all.
This or something like this should be in first post of new Mafia thread!
You lurkers make me hate playing this game. Get this through your heads, you are ruining the game! I know Mrs. Iceburg said all this but I recently read though the game I made and I remember how frustrating it was because of all the lurking. I worked hard on that game and wanted every player to enjoy it but the lurkers took so much fun out of it I decided never host a game here again. Thank goodness the players who actually participated were able to keep it from being a total failure and I thank you for it. And thank you Bogart for taking the time to put this game together.
Yeah, that happened awhile back but this game brought back those feelings.
One Piece Mafia need new players. To anyone reading this whose interested in playing, do it. It's fun. You don't have to post every hour and at this point posting three times every 24 hours is more than enough. You don't have to be a genius and you don't have to be right all the time, just follow your gut and play.