Trixie is not an ass. Here's my thoughts on her from about a week ago:
Calling her "just an ass" is to misunderstand and undermine her entire character.
Attitudes like that towards people with social difficulty aren't really ideal.
I might take this more personally than I should, but it touches a nerve for me.
I had a lot of difficulties at school because of my Aspergers, and one of my teachers even held me back a year
because she claimed I was a "naughty child" that she believed she could straighten out.
But no, she just couldn't comprehend my behavioural ticks and assumed the worst in me. I hated her fucking guts.
I accidentally bumped into someone and knocked them over, we both apologized to each other and walked away,
but the teacher ran over and punished me for apparently ASSAULTING my classmate.
I got punched by a classmate once and I went to tell her, and she told me to "shut up and stop telling tales".
The only time I've ever run away from school was under her. I finally had enough and walked out. I made it all the way home.
My Mother dragged me straight back to school, and instead of asking me what was wrong or why I was so upset to be coming back,
the teacher instead banned me from the class toybox and wrote an angry face next to my name in the register.
So when I see someone that has gone through difficulty and genuine attempts to better themselves be labelled as JUST AN ASS…
It makes me fucking livid, because I can immediately put myself in Trixie's horse shoes and feel the same burning resentment as I did back then :/