loll, endless loll
You, you're just just like Boxer D. Jet on the Chivalry thread, who posted this pic as his defense of why gays are so unnatural and should just conform to the "normal standard" of masculine behavior for their own safety; as if that is even remotely their default behavior.
This just proves that you literally don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. You claim to be a bodybuilding instructor, but this is what I mean by you not knowing any muscled females at all. Anyone who points at that picture as an example of the way sculpted women are has no fucking experience.
I don't know what Australian cave you recently crawled out of, but you clearly haven't seen much of the world, that much I can tell from backwards-as-fuck posting.
I never said I was a bodybuilding instructor. I'm still studying to be a FULLY qualified personal trainer. I don't specialize in bodybuilding specifically. I work on fat loss and keeping fit in general. I've taken clients on and have gotten results, I've trained women who want to be bodybuilders but I don't let my opinions get in the way.
As I've said from the start this is MY opinion and I've given opinions from, models, male trainers, female trainers, friends, body builders and many many more.
I've seen enough and I know what the majority likes. Holidays have come up and I will be videoing to prove my point in a public survey on vid with pictures, making people choose what they prefer.
Maybe YOU haven't seen enough of the world, and neither have eye, but I have a basic understanding at least
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P.s being gay is unnatural. Depends on whether or not you follow the Bible. Can't argue with that.