Why would the whole marines and all the shishis go against 1 yonkou? That alone doesn't make sense.
lets say, you have 15 hunters up against an grizzly bear, and all 15 hunters have guns and bayonettes.
If one hunter runs rght up to the bear and tries to kill it, that Hunter will get smacked down and hurt, and then be useless and no longer able to do anything.
Then, a second hunter could run up to the same bear, and also get hurt. And so on, until the bear, after being tired from fighting 14 hunters, falls to the 15th… but only after the other 14 hunters have fallen.
All 15 hunters can puts their sights on the bear and fire at once. The bear falls, and no one gets hurt.
They're gathering all their forces to take on WHitebeard, because he's the STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD, and they don' want to take any chances. They're confident they can beat him, or they never would have used Ace bait to begin with. But, if by having as huge an overwheling force as possible allows you to minimilize your casualties, then you shoud try to get by with as few injured as possible.
Why is it that the recent OP-Chapters suck so much?
First Oda rushed everything and now It's just boring…I dont know
I hope the next chapters on Level 5 and maybe 6 will reveal many important Infos for the future story plot
the latest bunch of chapters have been great,full of a wide variety of different characters and personalities, and old fan favorites the likes of which we probably won't see again after the New World, and Magellan has kicked serious butt, all the while building the drama, tension and expectation for the inevitable meeting with Ace… and Crocadile. Not every chapter can be epicly revealing huge chunks of history about the past of the world, you need to build up to them sometimes.
Your entitled to your opinion, but I would like to hear in clearer terms, what is it you think sucks about them lately?
My impression of the what I've seen reading the past few pages:
LVL5, 6 NO STUPID guys come on, 100,000,000+ ONLY no that's not reasonable because ACE!!!!! Pace is too fast Why is Oda going so SLOW! LVL5? No Level 6 only! But that can't Mr. 2 touched me in my sleep, Magellan what? So weak. Where's my Hanyabal, no certainly not LEVEL 5 but possibly LEVEL 6 100,000,000+ ONLY then that means THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE BOUNTIES MEAN NOTHING IT ALL DEPENDS ON whether or not I keep reading this series or not will be decided by LEVEL 5 ONLY, how come Luffy lost? That's so dumb awesome. LEVEL 5!!!!!
Wow. Yeah. That pretty much sums it up, allright.