After Reading The Post On The Internet Suicide
I Had Lost Hope For Most Of Humanity
These Stories Has Irrovocably Confirmed This Statement
Black Friday
very sad. People seem to think that just cause we're in an economic slump, we can act like animals.
damn.. i was working at a gamestop in a mall that morning.. jeez..
I Heard Storys Of People Full On Fist Fighting At A Wal-mart Over A Goddamn $ 200 T.V.
This Bullshit Pisses Me Off So Much
That's precisely why I do my Christmas shopping online and before Black Friday.
glad we don't have black friday here. who wants all that hassle and crap just to save a few bucks. bravo people. way to behave. sarcasm
What happened this Black Friday really pisses me off. The man was trampled to death. That just disgusts me.
Yeah, I heard about this from my Mom. Sadly, it happens every year. I gotta ask… WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE FOLLOW BLACK FRIDAY WHEN THEY KNOW IT'S GONNA BE A MADHOUSE?! Why don't they go the day before? They day after? A WEEK AFTER? A WEEK BEFORE?!
Things like this just leaves me flabbergasted.
Yeah it was really sad what happend to that guy and some people are just greedy. Thank god, I had almost all my shopping done before Black Friday, and I finished up on Black Friday. I did got an good price for Family Guy Volume 3 for $14.95.
Yeah, I heard about this from my Mom. Sadly, it happens every year. I gotta ask… WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE FOLLOW BLACK FRIDAY WHEN THEY KNOW IT'S GONNA BE A MADHOUSE?! Why don't they go the day before? They day after? A WEEK AFTER? A WEEK BEFORE?!
Things like this just leaves me flabbergasted.
Because there are ridiculously good sales at most major retailers (on the order of 30%-50% off on things that people actually want). Those sales on last until Friday night/Saturday though.
Personal note: I went shopping this Black Friday and it was fine (went to Kohl's, EB Games, Walmart, Best Buy). Sure, stores were crowded and lines were long, but as long as people don't lose their fucking minds then order can be maintained…
I went 2 years ago to buy a few bionicle legos topys for a family member..took me 30min-1.5 hrs to pay for it because they made the line go zig zagging through the store.
I myself follow "Black Monday" for online shopping. Black Friday is too much chaos at my stores considering how small they are already.
I went to the Black Friday sale at Best Buy (Lakewood, CA) but it was relatively organized chaos. No fights broke out, the line still looked like a line rather than a clump or crowd, and people were selling food and drink on the side. Most people were just laughing and talking. It was actually more fun than disgusting. I just sat in line reading manga (OP) and talking with friends.
The only things that bothered me were the people who passed by in their cars in the middle of the night honking and screaming at us. They'd wake us up with a blaring horn or shouting something like "Get a life!" or "Go home!". I mean, I just wanted to save 500$ on a laptop and desktop for the family. And I did. =)
It really sucks for everybody else with terrible experiences though. Like that Toys R Us thing… that's pretty horrible.
I went to FYE on black friday nothing serious happend end up buying The Simpsons season 4 and Family Guy volume 3. However I am disgusted as to how some people have acted friday.
this was freaky, and i live kinda close to that. thank god i wasnt there
! Perfect opportunity for an epic mosh pit….
my ex-girlfriend's brother in law got a black eye at walmart
This was why I was glad I didn't have a retail job anymore. Last year I was sure that I'd collapse of exhaustion, and the people were pulling at me all day…
That is absolutely disgusting and horrifying what happened.
I slept all day Black Friday, so I'll be behind on my holiday shopping. But it's better than dealing with animals like those people.
My wife went to the Brea Mall because she wanted to win a $300 Forever21 gift card they were giving out to the first 200 people or something. About an hour after she left, I got a call from her crying in the car because she had spent the entire hour trying to find a parking space. She is a fairly new driver still, not at all agressive, and fairly easily shaken up over things. Apparently the 10 or so spaces she waited on (with her blinker on) were stolen from her as she was pulling into the parking spot!! Poor girl almost got hit a few times in our new car. Scum of the earth out there, I swear. No regard for anyone other than themselves.
I went to the Black Friday sale at Best Buy (Lakewood, CA) but it was relatively organized chaos.
Yeah. I used to work for the Cerritos Best Buy (years ago), and they do a fairly decent job of forcing shoppers to walk around the store in an organized fashion. I hated working it though.
Yeah, I was disgusted when I heard about those incidents.. I really do hope they manage to convict some of the people who trampled that man, especially the ones that knocked him to the ground.
My family and I were in San Luis Obispo on Black Friday, and spent much of the morning going up and down Higueria shopping in the stores there. There were no immense crowds, people hell bent on getting the best deal at any cost, or really anything bad in sight. Everyone was taking their own time and walked calmly from store to store. It was actually rather nice.
Apparently there were enough people out though that my sister, who owns a shop on Higueria, ended up seeing her sales double compared to what happened the year before.
All in all it was a nice day for me. Well, until we had to drive back up to the Bay Area and I got a taste of my sister's driving on the highway.. -
My wife went to the Brea Mall because she wanted to win a $300 Forever21 gift card they were giving out to the first 200 people or something. About an hour after she left, I got a call from her crying in the car because she had spent the entire hour trying to find a parking space. She is a fairly new driver still, not at all agressive, and fairly easily shaken up over things. Apparently the 10 or so spaces she waited on (with her blinker on) were stolen from her as she was pulling into the parking spot!! Poor girl almost got hit a few times in our new car. Scum of the earth out there, I swear. No regard for anyone other than themselves.
Yeah. I used to work for the Cerritos Best Buy (years ago), and they do a fairly decent job of forcing shoppers to walk around the store in an organized fashion. I hated working it though.
I'm Sorry For Her
People Are So Goddamn Inconsiderate Now A Days
This why I hate this time of year. So many people are rushing around and being assholes.
I'm With You
Well Today's Cyber Monday So I Wonder How People Will Fight Over This
It's crazy, my sister told me about the Wal-mart incident.
I don't think anything horrible happened at The Brick's "Red Friday" sale in Canada.
what the hell is red friday
I'd guess it would be a sale at the start of the Christmas season on new goods, just to switch people on into buy-mode.
Near Where I Live
Some Dude In Drag Tried To Rob A Wal-Mart On Black Friday
(Keyword Here Is TRIED) -
I saw some more of the trampling incident on the news…honestly, it's surreal as hedge. 2,000 people waiting in front of a Wal-Mart? I can't imagine something like that happening in real life, even if we're talking about New York. What makes it worse is how the man was just a temporary hire, was a large man and so was used as crowd control.
"lost hope for humanity" is a cliche'd adage but in this case some of it has a scary resonance. It's really chilling to think that kind of scenario could take place.
what the hell is red friday
Bahah the Brick tried to have their own "Black Friday," but they dubbed it Red Friday. That's Canada for ya.
Bahah the Brick tried to have their own "Black Friday," but they dubbed it Red Friday. That's Canada for ya.
ah ha ha. that's so dumb.
I honestly didn't know that Black Friday had any real significance until this year, when I made a new year's resolution to actually pay attention to the news in some way or another. It is disturbing and, honestly, I think that there should be people on duty during Black Friday, such as police, paramedics, and the like in every single shopping district around the country. That way this idiocy doesn't happen again.
However, I'll only ever do shopping during October, Early-mid November, or early-mid december.
I think instead of black friday they should change it to black weekend or black week so that way there wouldnt be so many people in the stores on that day, it would definatly create less crime.
Over here we don't have Black Friday, we just have "the day after boxing day" and the saddest it ever gets is camping outside most stores. I camped outside of Sony store in order to grab anything for "up to 75% off". I mean, that's like a Ps3 for £100 or a Sony Bravia for like £250!
In the end I ended up buying Casino Royale for a tenner.
Sucks. -
Humanity has no hope. -__- That's all I can say after reading all this.
Black Friday really wasn't such a big chaotic day over where I live. And I'm thankful for that because I was with my little sister at the time. I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to her. -___- My parents would kill me. x.x Anywho…But when I did go to a bigger city there were policemen all over the place. Which in my opinion I thought was a great idea. They were even regulating traffic at the stores. Which caused less accidents by reckless people.
Sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said no one was arrested, but he would not identify the women. Their dispute was not part of the investigation, Gutierrez said.
What the hell is up with that? O.O Shouldn't they have at least arrested them? Maybe just make them spend the night in jail?