Lemme say right off the bat that I don't post must, but this caught my fancy. Also lemme state for the record that I am NOT a virgin, but it wasn't long ago that I was. I waited years to have sex with my boyfriend, wanting to make sure that I wasn't making a huge mistake, but the way I see it, as long as you don't give it up in vain (in an attempt to save a failing relationship or start one that wouldn't already happen on it's own) sex can be a great thing. It's a physical reaffirmation of your love for somebody else.
Yeah, it's cool to joke and all, but sex is really a serious subject, and shouldn't really be taken lightly no matter who or what you are, gay, straight, bi, virgin, or well versed in the language of love…fill in the blank.
Sex is very prolific in coversation and certainly well covered in media (news, movies, comics, manga etc.) but certainly not overrrated.
I happen to think it's very VERY nice -^_____^-
But don't take my word for it, I'm just the local lurker...