According to Engadget (who are getting their info second hand) they have announced that Region 1 for BluRay will be (drumroll please)….
North America, South America, and East Asia (except for China).
What the hell does that mean?
It's just like the DVD region codes that suck so bad only this is good.
The US and Japan are in the same region. It means that we, in the US, will probably be able to import PS3 games and Blu-Ray movies and anime at will. No mod chips, no secret codes to defeat region coding, none of that crap. We're one big happy region. Europe gets screwed.
Still confused?
For those that haven't been following the hoo-ha in the geek arena there has been a big fight over what is going to replace DVDs and the two contenders are HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. Both are heavily copy-protected, large capacity, high definition video/data discs. HD-DVD gives users more ability to make fair use of their media and is cheaper to make and Blu-Ray has bigger discs.
Without getting too much into the fight Sony is pushing Blu-Ray and will be using it in the PS3. Nearly everybody has at least one foot in the Blu-Ray camp these days and it is looking more and more like the eventual winner of the fight.
Sooooo anyway…. w00t! One region! News so good it doesn't just call for Steve, it calls for the Turtle.